(Minghui.org) Practitioners participated in the Methuen Day festival in Methuen on October 5, 2024. They demonstrated the exercises, told people about Falun Dafa (Falun Gong) and how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecutes practitioners. They also collected signatures in support of the Falun Gong Protection Act.

Practitioners participated in the Methuen Day festival on October 5, 2024.

Calm and Peaceful

Two ladies who live in a senior citizen’s apartment passed by the Falun Dafa booth and stopped to watch as practitioners did the exercises. They immediately looked up Falun Dafa on Facebook and decided to go back to the booth to ask for more information. One of the ladies, Millie, said, “Your movements are so calm and peaceful! We hope you can come to our activity center to teach the exercises.”

A man and his wife were walking by the booth and saw practitioners demonstrating the exercises. He was very interested. After listening to the practitioners’ introduction, he said, “I want to learn the exercises from you now, is that okay?” After the practitioners briefly introduced the basic principles of the exercises, he learned the first set of exercises and was very focused. He didn’t leave until he finished the entire first exercise and his wife reminded him that it was time to leave.

People Sign Petition to Support the Falun Gong Protection Act

Paul and Ann came to the Falun Dafa booth and took some truth clarification materials. Paul said that he knew a little about Falun Dafa and that Falun Dafa was good, but that the CCP’s persecution was too cruel. The couple signed a petition supporting the Falun Gong Protection Act.

Some people did not know about Falun Dafa and the persecution in China. Many of them said that this crime against humanity must be stopped when they heard that the CCP was harvesting organs from living Falun Dafa practitioners and selling them for profit. They signed the petition and said they would tell their friends and family not to go to China for organ transplant surgery.