(Minghui.org) Since the hotline for quitting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) opened 20 years ago, Falun Dafa practitioners have volunteered to take turns answering calls 24 hours a day. Some volunteers said many Chinese people called the number after seeing information printed on paper currency in China, in Falun Dafa materials, or on the Internet, which they accessed via software practitioners developed to allow people to break through the CCP’s Internet blockade.

An Atheist Changes His Mind

One young man asked many questions, including what Falun Dafa is, what is the CCP, and why it’s important to renounce one’s membership in the CCP organizations. The volunteer answered all his questions. “I read the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party after I overcame the Internet blockade,” the man said. “But I’m an atheist, so I don’t think I need to quit the Party.”

The practitioner told him stories of the ancient sages such as Shakyamuni, Jesus, and Lao Tsu were real, and added, “A study by Dr. Dong Yuhong found that COVID patients who recited the phrases, ‘Falun Dafa is good’ and ‘Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good’ all saw improvement in their condition.”

The man was convinced and decided to withdraw from the CCP organizations he joined. He said he would tell his family members to do the same.

“The CCP Harmed Us”

Another caller named Yong said, “I saw this number printed on money, but I don’t know what it’s about. So I called it to find out more.”

The practitioner told him she phoned residents in Wuhan when the COVID pandemic was rampant. One woman who answered the call was named Hong, and said her husband was lying in bed and unable to speak, eat, or even open his eyes. The practitioner asked if they wished to renounce their memberships in the CCP organizations since the pandemic was targeting the Party and its followers. Hong said her husband was a Party secretary.

Yong asked, “Did Hong and her husband quit the Party?”

The practitioner said he asked Hong to tell her husband the importance of quitting the CCP. If her husband agreed, he should blink his eyes. Hong happily said her husband blinked his eyes. The practitioner suggested Hong recite the phrases, “Falun Dafa is good” and “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” and explained that many people benefited when they did.

When Hong asked her husband if he agreed, he blinked his eyes again. Within 20 minutes, her husband gradually spoke, but his voice was very weak. Several minutes later he was able to open his eyes, and his voice became stronger. Touched by the miracle, the couple and the practitioner were in tears.

Upon hearing this, Yong said, “I’ll quit the CCP because it harmed us Chinese.”

The practitioner praised him for his decision and said that many people still didn’t know the facts due to the CCP’s Internet blockade. Yong agreed and said, “That’s right. I’ll tell everyone I know to call the hotline and separate themselves from the CCP organizations.”

An Internet Police Officer

An Internet police officer called the number and asked what organization this was. The practitioner said she was a volunteer who helped people quit the CCP organizations. When he asked if any other government officers called the number and swore, the practitioner said, "Yes, but I don’t hate them. Some of them are good people – they were just brainwashed and deceived by the CCP."

“When did you begin opposing the CCP?” the policeman asked. The practitioner said many people did not acknowledge the CCP since its beginning. Communism was a theory from Karl Marx in Germany and is not from China. Because of its bad deeds, the Party is doomed. In fact, an ancient rock was discovered in Guizhou Province with words, “The Chinese Communist Party will end.” Geologists concluded the characters were formed by nature, and were not man-made.

“Have you heard about the Tiananmen Square self-immolation in 2001?” the officer asked. The practitioner said it was one of the worst defamatory propagandas made up by the CCP to attack Falun Dafa. “Look at the video, you will see the way the man is sitting is not how Falun Dafa practitioners sit when they meditate. In fact, there are so many loopholes in this hoax that a documentary about it called False Fire won an international award. You can check it out yourself,” she explained.

The police officer said he wished to quit the CCP. He wanted to read Zhuan Falun the main teachings of Falun Dafa, so the practitioner gave the link to the Freegate software to circumvent the Internet blockade, and said he could read the book online.

An Elementary School Student

An elementary school student called the number, and said former CCP leader Mao Zedong and the CCP were good. A practitioner clarified some of his misconceptions.

He said it was Chiang Kai-shek and Kuomintang that defeated the invading Japanese army, and two million Kuomintang soldiers were killed. Mao actually colluded with the Japanese, and Pan Hannian, who worked for him, interceded with the Japanese army.

He explained that the CCP is not China. The CCP killed over 80 million Chinese people in it’s numerous political campaigns including the Cultural Revolution and the Tiananmen Square Massacre.

The student changed his mind and renounced his membership in the Young Pioneers.

Eager to Learn Falun Dafa

One man in southern China called the hotline and said he was eager to learn Falun Dafa. He previously contacted practitioners in Taiwan, but the police intercepted the shipment containing Zhuan Falun and even visited with him for interrogation.

Seeing the man so anxious to receive the information, the practitioner had an idea. She put the audio files on a micro SD card including audio lectures given by Master Li, the exercise music, facts of the staged Tiananmen Square Self-Immolation, and accounts of the CCP’s brutalities. After concealing the micro SD in a paper towel, she sent to the package to the man and it arrived successfully. He was very thankful.

After some time, the man called the number again saying he hoped to receive a copy of Zhuan Falun and The Great Way of Spiritual Perfection that explain the exercise movements. The practitioner didn’t know how to help since she lives overseas and she had no connections inside China.

He called again. “I kept trying and finally I received a copy of both Zhuan Falun and The Great Way of Spiritual Perfection,” he said happily.

A College Student

A college student called the number one day saying the software he used in the past to overcome the CCP’s Internet blockade no longer worked, so the practitioner gave him a link to download the new version.

As they continued chatting, the student said China is very strong right now under the CCP’s leadership. The practitioner said many people still lived under the poverty line. “Plus the corrupt officials have taken so much money from ordinary citizens. The CCP is brutal and is lying,” the practitioner explained.

After the practitioner gave some examples, the student understood. He agreed to quit the CCP and thanked the practitioner.