(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners from the following places in New York sent in their Chinese New Year greetings to Master Li: Upstate New York, Flushing, Orange County, Middletown, Manhattan, and Brooklyn.

The well-wishers include individual practitioners, families of practitioners, and practitioners in the same Fa study groups or truth-clarification projects, including the New York Tian Guo Marching Band and practitioners from China who reside in New York. They all expressed their profound gratitude to Master.

New Year greetings to Master from practitioners in New York

New Year greetings to Master from a mother and daughter in Manhattan

New Year greetings to Master from Northern Academy cafeteria staff in Middletown, New York

New Year greetings to Master from practitioners in Orange County, New York

New Year greetings to Master from practitioners in Orange County, New York

New Year greetings to Master from a group Fa study site in Middletown, New York

New Year greetings to Master from practitioners in upstate New York

New Year greetings to Master from practitioners in New York

New Year greetings to Master from practitioners in Brooklyn and Flushing, New York

New Year greetings to Master from the Tian Guo Marching Band in New York

New Year greetings to Master from practitioners in Middletown, New York

New Year greetings to Master from a truth-clarification site in Flushing, New York

New Year greetings to Master from the construction team at the Fei Tian College Middletown campus

New Year greetings to Master from practitioners in New Jersey

New Year greetings to Master from practitioners in Long Island

New Year greetings to Master from practitioners in Brooklyn

New Year greetings to Master from practitioners in Orange County, New York

New Year greetings to Master from a mother and daughter in Orange County, New York

New Year greetings to Master from a practitioner in the media group in Middletown, New York

New Year greetings to Master from practitioners who work in a New York clothing factory