(Minghui.org) With the arrival of the 2024 Chinese New Year, Falun Dafa practitioners from all walks of life in China are expressing their deep gratitude for Mr. Li Hongzhi, the founder of Faun Dafa, for their physical improvement and spiritual enlightenment.

Here are selected 26 greetings from more than 12 professions including textiles, automobile factory, healthcare, oil fields, construction, building materials, farm, customs, publication, mine industry, forestry, and clothing.

Several practitioners in the clothing industry said that they are grateful for Master’s compassionate salvation and hard work. “In the new year, we will be more diligent and do the three things better.”

Practitioners at an oilfield in Liaoning wrote, “We are aware of Master’s hardship, and the preciousness of Dafa. We wish our compassionate and great Master a Happy Chinese New Year! Master, you have worked hard. We will study the teachings well, cultivate ourselves well, save more people, and return to our true homes with Master.”

Additional greetings were received from:

Shengli Oilfield, Shandong ProvinceQiqihar City, Heilongjiang ProvinceSpecialized hospital in BeijingFarm system, Guangdong ProvinceChangchun automobile factory, Jilin ProvinceFactories in Huludao City, Liaoning ProvinceConstruction industry, Heilongjiang ProvinceCustoms systemPublishing and distribution industryMine industry, Hunan ProvinceOilfield, Liaoning ProvinceForestry industry, Heilongjiang ProvinceChemical fiber factory, Shandong Province