(Minghui.org) With the arrival of the 2024 Chinese New Year, many Falun Dafa practitioners in the Chinese education system wish the founder of the practice, Master Li Hongzhi, a Happy New Year.

They express their gratitude to Master Li and vow to cultivate diligently.

The well-wishers are from:

Hebei Medical UniversitySouthwest Petroleum UniversityHarbin Institute of TechnologyDalian University of TechnologySouthwest UniversityColleges in Guangdong ProvinceColleges in Hebei ProvinceColleges in Xinxiang City, Henan ProvinceColleges in Mianyang City, Sichuan ProvinceColleges in Changchun City, Jilin ProvinceA college in Baoding City, Hebei ProvinceShenyang City, Liaoning ProvinceAnqing City, Anhui ProvinceDaqing City, Heilongjiang ProvinceChengde City, Hebei Province