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Poem: Reflection

April 8, 2024 |   By Mingyue

(Minghui.org) Four days after Easter, on April 3, the Statue of Liberty was struck by lightning; two days later on April 5, a 4.8-magnitude earthquake hit the east coast of the U.S., leaving the Statue trembling (the last earthquake of this kind occurred in 1884, two years before the Statue was erected). If that were not enough, a total solar eclipse will be visible in part of the U.S., including the New York area, on April 8 (the last total solar eclipse in the region was 99 years ago in 1925). This poem was written to reflect on these events.


1991 years ago Jesus came back to life three days after his crucifixion,leaving a legacy of salvation mankind celebrates as a tradition;138 years ago the Statue of Liberty was erected in Manhattan,defending freedom and democracy now threatened by the Red Dragon.

Time passes and the need arises for unprecedented caution,a major earthquake shook the Statue’s foundation;Even the torch in the goddess’ right hand is a target,as lightning from the sky attempted to destroy it.

It’s time to reflect before it gets worse,as the solar eclipse could be a hint of our wrongdoings according to the universe.Repeated warnings from the divine tell us that life is not just material pleasure,and our actions will become lessons learned for future generations to treasure.

Note: U.S. President issued a proclamation on March 29 declaring Easter Sunday this year (March 31) as Transgender Day of Visibility. The proclamation called on “all Americans to join us in lifting up the lives and voices of transgender people throughout our Nation and to work toward eliminating violence and discrimination based on gender identity.” Some people and faith groups believe this is contempt for the divine, a violation of parents’ rights, and a misdirection of moral values in the society.

Photo by Dan Martland, originally posted on X.