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Webpage for Submitting World Falun Dafa Day Greetings Has Been Updated

May 10, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner outside China

(Minghui.org) Throughout the years, a large number of greetings have been received by Minghui on major holidays from practitioners in China and around the world to thank Master Li, founder of Falun Dafa. Since the 2024 Chinese Lunar New Year, Minghui.org has provided professionally designed templates for practitioners to submit greetings. As World Falun Dafa Day approaches, Minghui.org again provides 24 professionally designed templates. You can freely choose any kind and fill in the title, content, and display the submitter’s information. You can also preview the greetings, check to see if everything is good and then submit the greetings through the website.

The greetings submission web page (https://www.minghui.org/mh/postform/greeting.html) is self-explanatory on how to fill in the selected template including the submitter’s information and date. Please consult with the website’s technical forum if you need additional assistance.

For those greetings that are independently designed, please still submit them through the submission webpage as usual.