(Minghui.org) Ms. Wang is a retired teacher. Before she practiced Falun Dafa, she was not able to stand or bend down for very long because her knees were swollen and a lot of fluid accumulated in her legs. She even had to keep her legs raised on cushions when she slept. She tried every treatment known, seeing doctors of Western medicine, getting Chinese acupuncture, going for hot spring therapy and steam, taking folk remedies, and practicing different qigong exercises. But nothing helped. When she taught, she had to sit. She rarely went outside. Her husband shopped and did the household chores.

Falun Dafa was introduced to her hometown in 1996. Ms Wang heard that Falun Dafa had amazing health benefits, so she went to the practice site and learned the exercises, and her leg problems soon disappeared. She could walk swiftly and could even climb stairs. She could stand to teach her students. The teachers and students witnessed how she changed, and many teachers learned Falun Dafa. All of them benefited from practicing it.

The CCP (Chinese Communist Party) launched the persecution of Falun Dafa on July 20, 1999. Ms. Wang’s friends and relatives knew how evil the CCP was and tried to persuade her to give up the practice to avoid being persecuted. Others recommended she continue practicing as her health was her top priority and Falun Dafa helped her get rid of her decades-long health issues. Ms. Wang chose to continue practicing Falun Dafa. Her family has benefited as well.

Ms. Wang’s Mother Regains Her Health

Ms. Wang’s mother lost her husband when she was young and had to work tirelessly to take care of her family. As a result, she started having health problems in her 40s. She had to go to the hospital for intravenous injections every month. When she was 80 years old, she observed how her daughter became healthy after she started practicing Falun Dafa and she was very happy for her.

She did as her daughter suggested and said, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” every day. Three months later, all her ailments were gone. Her once bent back became straight, she could eat ice-cream in the summer, and her epileptic episodes stopped.

When she was 87, she said that one day she would go to a beautiful place, but not everyone could go there. She explained that she had a “pass” (referring to her “Falun Dafa Is Good” amulet). She said that those people who refused to listen to the truth could not go to that beautiful place.

She passed away peacefully at the age of 92.

Granddaughter Recovers from Trauma

Ms. Wang’s oldest granddaughter was frightened by a thief. After she returned home, she was not able to speak and her head leaned to one side.

Her mother took the girl to see her grandmother, Ms. Wang, who read Zhuan Falun to her. She listened to her grandma and tried to follow her as she read. Within an hour, her head straightened and she was able to talk, but she was still confused.

Her three aunts on her mother’s side believed the CCP’s lies and didn’t trust Falun Dafa practitioners. They consulted their doctor friend, who told them there was no treatment and no cure for what ailed their niece.

When they went to Ms. Wang’s home, they saw the girl was sleeping. Ms. Wang told them not to worry, that she would be fine after she woke up and read Zhuan Falun. The girl woke up as they were speaking, and Ms. Wang resumed reading Zhuan Falun to her. The three aunts listened quietly. After they read 10 pages of Zhuan Falun, the girl’s eyes cleared. She saw her aunts and said hello to them. She was normal.

Her aunts were amazed. Ms. Wang told them about Falun Dafa, and they finally understood that the reason practitioners don’t see doctors is because they will recover after they read Dafa books and practice the exercises and that Falun Dafa is a high-level practice. They realized the CCP lied to its own people and people all over the world.

The granddaughter read Zhuan Falun with Ms. Wang the next day and returned to school three days later.

Younger Granddaughter Benefits

Ms. Wang’s younger granddaughter is the daughter of her second son. The girl has never seen a doctor since she was born. When she had a fever or didn’t feel well, her parents took her to Ms Wang, who would read Zhuan Falun to her and taught her to recite “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.”

She learned to take things lightly. On her way home from middle school one day, she was hit by a car. The bumper of the car was dented, and her classmates were frightened. She stood up and told the driver, “Please be careful next time,” then left with her classmates.

When she got home, she told Ms. Wang, “When I was hit by the car, I immediately thought of the principle Master told us—that good or bad comes out of our one thought. The car bumper was dented but I was not injured at all.”

Oldest Daughter-in-Law and Passengers Survive a Car Accident

Ms. Wang’s oldest daughter-in-law witnessed her positive changes, especially her consideration for others and behavior that was in line with the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance after she began practicing Falun Dafa. When Falun Dafa was slandered by the CCP, she bravely derided the CCP in public for forbidding people from practicing such a good practice and deceiving the Chinese people. She was very supportive of Ms. Wang and said that the fact that the CCP opposes Falun Dafa is proof that Falun Dafa is really good. She encouraged Ms. Wang to continue practicing. She frequently says, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.”

One day the oldest daughter-in-law went shopping with her daughter and the daughter’s friend. When they returned to her car, they were not able to open the passenger door, so the friend had to sit in the back seat with her daughter. On their way home, a speeding drunk driver crashed sideways into their car which was waiting at a red light, sending their car flying 40 meters away before it smashed into a power pole. The right-side door of the car was torn off, and the front axle was broken. The car that hit them spun around, its wheels screeching. The driver was knocked unconscious by the airbag.

The moment their car was hit, the daughter-in-law started saying “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” and the two girls recited the phrases with her. A crowd gathered around their car. The police officers who showed up said that the people inside the car would be badly injured, but when they forced the door open, no one inside was hurt, not even a scratch. The officers were shocked. One police said, “This is the first accident I have ever seen where the car was demolished but the people inside were unharmed.”

Ms. Wang said, “Master protected us. Just imagine what could have happened if your friend had sat in the passenger seat.” The eldest daughter-in-law believes in Falun Dafa and Master even more since then.

Younger Daughter-in-Law Often Listens to Dafa Music

The younger daughter-in-law believes what Ms. Wang says. When her daughter was not well, she took her to Ms. Wang. She herself had a stomach problem and the medicine was not helping. She asked Ms. Wang to give her a DVD of Dafa music and listened to it at home. She said she no longer felt sick.

The Whole Family Benefits

Ms. Wang often says, “Master has granted our family good fortune. We are all blessed by Falun Dafa. One person practices Falun Dafa and the whole family benefits.”

Due the CCP’s tyranny, many people in China are having a hard time. Ever since Master introduced Falun Dafa to the world, countless people have benefited.

Ms. Wang’s family members don’t believe the CCP’s lies, and they are all blessed. Although they don’t practice Falun Dafa, they often say, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” All of them are in good health and have good jobs.

Ms Wang’s entire family is grateful to Master for his compassion and salvation. They are very thankful to Falun Dafa!

(Selected submission to celebrate World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)