(Minghui.org) To welcome the 25th World Falun Dafa Day on May 13 and the 73rd birthday of Master Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Gong, practitioners from Taichung, Changhua, and Nantou gathered at Dajia Zhiyong High School in Taichung City on May 5, 2024. They held a group Fa study and shared their cultivation experiences.

Falun Gong practitioners in central Taiwan gathered at Dajia Zhiyong High School in Taichung City to congratulate Master on his birthday on May 5, 2024.

Several practitioners shared their stories about the physical and mental benefits they experienced after cultivating in Falun Dafa (also called Falun Gong). Some practitioners were grateful to Dafa for changing their fates and teaching them how to face life. Other practitioners spoke of being cured of their illnesses without having to take medicine, while others experienced renewal in their careers and got back on their feet. Additionally, some practitioners shared how they no longer pursue fashion, but have become more mature and stable.

Overcoming Difficulties in My Career and Getting Back on My Feet

Ye Zongxian and his wife had left a religious group in 2014 and were looking for a faith to place their trust in. Fourteen years ago, friend recommended that they study Falun Gong.

Ye Zongxian believes that because of cultivating in Dafa, his career has become more stable.

At first, Mr. Ye only accompanied his wife to practice, but later, at the enthusiastic invitation of the person in charge at the practice site, he also began to cultivate in Dafa. On the first day, Master began to cleanse his body, which lasted for several weeks, but he did not collapse or feel uncomfortable because of this. The miraculous thing was that the skin on his face, which had formerly been very dark, became smooth and fair. He also became more energetic.

Mr. Ye said, “After studying the Fa and doing the exercises, I realized that cultivation can really improve one’s health. People would get younger and more energetic.

“After stepping out of my old religion I felt that I had reached the lowest point of my life” said Mr. Ye. “The company’s employees where I worked were reduced from 30 to three, which had a very big impact on us. My wife cried every day. If we hadn’t cultivated in Dafa today, we really wouldn’t have been able to get back on our feet.”

That experience gave Mr. Ye a different perspective on life. “That is,” he said, “everything that happens to you is not accidental. It happens to you to help you improve your mind. I have realized this because after studying and cultivating the Fa, my wisdom is also growing.” 

He continued, “In terms of career, I have realized that because of practicing Dafa and practicing [Dafa’s principles of] Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance in everything and everywhere, we have become more down-to-earth and more stable and steadfast, as we took one step at a time. I have a clearer understanding of what we want to do in the human world; that is, to help more people understand Falun Dafa in my work environment.” 

No Longer Pursuing Popularity, Instead Becoming More Mature 

Chen Weiquan, who lives in Taichung, attended the May 5 event with his family. He said, “The help that cultivating Dafa has brought me is a change in my values. I no longer pursue fashion like young people nowadays. I do my duty at work, and do not compare myself with others. My state of mind has become stable.” 

Chen Weiquan and his wife have benefited from Dafa.

Chen Weiquan recalled that in his early 20s, he began to cultivate Falun Gong upon the recommendation of his mother. He said, “At that time, I saw that my mother, who was a teacher, gradually got better from her ailments such as dry eyes and long-term insomnia. She was practicing Falun Gong and she became very healthy.” 

As he continues to practices, others have also noticed that Mr. Chen’s speech, deeds and thoughts have become different. He said, “I no longer pursue fashion, or buy brand-name mobile phones and other fashionable new products. I am no longer interested in these things. This is because Dafa washes away whatever bad ideas I have not let go of.”

Mr. Chen, who works in the biotechnology industry, said, “I no longer pursue trying to be better than others, nor to gain the attention and appreciation of others. I do my job well, have a clear conscience, and the result is good.” He continued, “There is no need to compare yourself with others, because Dafa teaches not being concerned with these things and letting nature take its course." Now Mr. Chen is at ease.

Chen Weiquan’s transformation has been seen by others. He said, “My relatives think that I am more stable and mature than many young people of my age.” His aunt praised him for being more filial since he started to cultivate.

Mr. Chen said, “I am grateful to Master for passing on Dafa and giving us the opportunity to practice Dafa. I suggest, let us be more sober in life as we do things and face difficulties.”

Chen Weiquan’s wife, who had just begun to cultivate Falun Gong, said, “I appreciate the contents of the book Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa, very much. Master has explained the truth very clearly.” She shared that Dafa’s principles are very helpful for her in dealing with others. When facing her students and colleagues, she always maintains a calm mind and does not become impatient. She said, “Now before going to work, I will seize the time to read Zhuan Falun.”

Changing Destiny, Life Renewed

Chen Xianglian from Taichung is grateful to Master for changing her fate and saving her from falling into desperation. She recalled that she grew up under the care of her family, and she lived a happy life after marriage. At the age of 44, her husband died of cardiopulmonary failure caused by his smoking habit. The change was so great that she said, “I was in too much pain to take the blow.” 

Sixty-five-year-old Chen Xianglian is full of energy every day because of her cultivation practitce.

Ms. Chen recalled that during the three months before her husband’s death, they were in and out of the hospital. “I was scared and worried about my husband. I was in a bad mood,” she said. Since then, she developed heart problems. After her husband died, she also developed uterine fibroids and staphyloma in her chest. Her health continued to decline. She hoped to improve her health by taking up running, but to no avail.

Upon the recommendation of others, Xianglian found a Falun Gong practice site and took up the practice. After attending the nine-day introductory class, she became more determined to cultivate. Before she knew it, her body began to transform. “The fibroids were gone, my stomach improved, and I began to gain weight,” she said. The people around her noticed it too and complimented her.

Ms. Chen said, “At work, I follow Master’s teachings, think of others first, look at problems from the perspective of others, tolerate others, and do not bully anyone.” 

Looking back on her 22 years of cultivation, Ms. Chen feels a great deal of gratitude: “Thank you, Master, for the compassion you showed me. If I hadn’t practiced Dafa, my life would have been miserable.”

After 20 Days of Practice, Chronic Headache Disappeared 

Wang Bixia from Changhua wanted to cultivate since she was a child, but she had never been able to find a way to truly cultivate. One day when she was 30 years old, she fell down the stairs and hit her head against the wall, which caused all kinds of health problems.

Wang Bixia from Changhua is grateful for practicing Dafa, including that it restored her health.

Because of the pain she felt throughout her body, Ms. Wang looked for a cure. In 2002, she was fortunate enough to find Falun Dafa. She said, “When I finished reading the book Zhuan Falun, I found the answers to all my questions and immediately decided that this was the truth I had been pursuing all my life.”

Ms. Wang said, “When I read Zhuan Falun, my stiff neck can easily turn. After 20 days of practicing Falun Dafa, the headache that bothered me for 10 years disappeared. I thought it was so amazing, and I didn’t take any medicine! The chest palpitations, irregular heartbeat, lower back pain, stomach pain, poor digestion and many more problems that have plagued me for a long time disappeared after practicing Falun Dafa. My body and mind have reached a state of being illness-free and light. There is no way for me to repay the compassion that Master granted me. I will cultivate more diligently to express my appreciation to Master.”