(Minghui.org) As people around the world celebrate World Falun Dafa Day, Dafa practitioners gathered at Hong Lim Park in Singapore on the afternoon of May 7, 2024, to wish Falun Dafa’s founder, Master Li Hongzhi, a happy 73rd birthday. They expressed their gratitude for the 32 years since Dafa was introduced to the public and for their minds and bodies being purifying and their morals elevated.

Practitioners who have deeply benefited from Falun Dafa (also called Falun Gong) express their endless gratitude to Master Li, as well as their wish to bring the goodness of Dafa to more people.

Practitioners wished Master Li a happy birthday during an event at Hong Lim Park in Singapore on the afternoon of May 7, 2024, to celebrate the 32nd anniversary of Falun Dafa’s public introduction. 

Practitioners do the exercises together during their World Falun Dafa Day celebration.

Passersby stop to talk with practitioners and some took photos.

People of Different Ethnicities Eager to Start Cultivation Practice

On that day, a group of people from various ethnicities, not just Singaporeans, but many from mainland China and also tourists and workers from countries like Germany, Britain, Ireland, Spain, Australia, and Brazil, were keen to learn about Falun Dafa and take photos to commemorate the event. After listening to the truth, some young Chinese people chose to withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its youth organizations, distancing themselves from the CCP.

A student from mainland China whose family name was Zhou said it was his first time encountering Falun Gong and he did not yet understand the truth. A practitioner shared his experience with him: he had been an atheist, lost on university campuses in China, unsure whether to be good, and he also feared persecution from the CCP. But reading the book Zhuan Falun made him understand that Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is indeed good. The practitioner also told the student about the miracle of his mother’s terminal cancer improving, which shocked Zhou. He agreed with the practitioner that being a good person is the correct way to be, and promised to learn more after returning home.

Oscar, 22, from Brisbane, Australia, encountered Falun Gong on his first day visiting Singapore. Seeing the serene scene of practitioners doing the exercises, he said it was wonderful. A practitioner introduced him to the unique healing effects of Falun Gong on the mind and body and shared his experiences of resolving stress and conflicts at work, which amazed Oscar.

An Irish woman who was in Singapore to attend an international conference was very interested in Falun Gong. A practitioner explained to her that Falun Gong focuses on cultivating one’s heart, letting go of jealousy and the competitive mentality, not pursuing material wealth, and that practitioners are returning to tradition. She requested materials about Falun Gong and asked to take a photo with the practitioners. She mentioned that the practitioners emphasized the essence, not pursuing money, but on focusing on cultivating their hearts, which is rare and lacking in today’s society, and represents a very rare path.

A family member of a Falun Gong practitioner started reading Zhuan Falun a month ago. He said his wife’s firm belief touched him and he felt the magic of Dafa.

The Amazing Power of Falun Dafa

Jocelyn, an administrative staff member at a company, participated in a nine-day Falun Dafa seminar in mid-March this year and decided to take up the practice. More than a year ago, although she did not deeply understand Dafa or cultivation, just by repeatedly saying, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” she had a profound experience.

New practitioner Jocelyn thanks Master Li for introducing Falun Dafa and wishes him a happy 73rd birthday.

In June 2022, Jocelyn was diagnosed with a 7-cm uterine fibroid and a 16-cm ovarian cyst, and needed surgery. The more she read online, the more anxious she became, so she called her older sister and brother-in-law in Malaysia. They had practiced Falun Dafa for many years and suggested she read Zhuan Falun. They also asked that she recite “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.”

The day of the surgery, although Jocelyn only read the beginning of Zhuan Falun, she continuously recited “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” which helped her calm down. The surgery was very successful, with less pain than anticipated, and she was discharged three days later. A week later, when she quickly bent down to pick something up from the floor, she completely forgot about her incision and felt almost no pain, which surprised her greatly. Two weeks later, during a follow-up visit, the doctor said, “You’re recovering very well. You can now swim, run, and do anything.”

At the end of last year, Jocelyn was fortunate to attend a Falun Dafa conference in Singapore. She met Singaporean practitioners for the first time and listened to many practitioners share their experiences and insights, which deeply moved her, particularly a sharing by a new practitioner.

This March she attended a nine-day Falun Dafa class, and learned the five sets of exercises. Watching Master Li’s lecture videos, she felt his compassion as never before, and she firmly decided to truly practice.

Jocelyn participated in group Fa study sessions in the evening, and she also found a practice site where she did the exercises each morning. She used to binge-watch Korean dramas to relieve work stress, which only made her more tired, plus, she also became depressed. She couldn’t understand the meaning of life and complained when she was under a lot of pressure at work. 

Even though she hasn’t practiced very long, Jocelyn has already changed a lot. She abandoned her old habits, she’s no longer depressed, and she now considers others rather than just herself. She follows the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and constantly reminds herself to be kind to others and to look inward in all situations.

When speaking of Falun Dafa Day, Jocelyn became choked up and couldn’t speak. She said, “I feel that Master has endured so much for all us practitioners. We wish Master a happy birthday! May Falun Dafa spread to every corner of the world, letting more people recognize the beauty of Dafa and Master’s compassion. I’m thankful for Master’s merciful salvation. Thank you, Master!” Her family also joined in praising Dafa’s grace and wishing Master a happy birthday, “Happy birthday to Master! We are grateful to Master for spreading Dafa and benefiting mankind. Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.”

Mother's Malignant Tumor Shrinks

Ms. Li, who has practice Falun Dafa for 18 years, has repeatedly witnessed the miracles of Dafa.  Last year, a miracle occurred for her mother who was suffering from liver cancer, and her family is deeply grateful.

In September last year, Ms. Li received news that her mother, who is in her 80s, was diagnosed with liver cancer. The doctors said she only had three to six months left, and even with surgery, her life could only be extended for a year. The family felt helpless. Ms. Li knew that only Dafa could save her mother’s life, but because the family feared persecution by the CCP, they couldn’t discuss this topic for a long time. This time, Ms. Li persuaded her family to bring her mother to Singapore to seek better treatment and allow the elderly woman to see her daughter one last time.

Ms. Li said that before she came to Singapore her mother’s condition was deteriorating. “The CT report in August showed a tumor of 3.6 cm (1.4 inches), and the enhanced CT report in September showed the tumor already expanded to 5.3 cm (2.1 inches),” she said. “My mother didn’t want to eat, but after she came here her appetite improved. Seeing how greatly improved my husband’s and my health is now—much better than when they saw us years ago, the family gained confidence in the effects of Falun Dafa in improving health.”

Ms. Li read Master’s new lectures to her mother, “How Humankind Came to Be” and,“Why Save Sentient Beings” and had her watch Shen Yun performances. She also played “Witnessing the Miracles of Dafa” from NTD’s “Life Whisper” program, and encouraged her mother to repeatedly say the two auspicious phrase – “Falun Dafa is good; Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.”

In early November last year, at the request of her family, Ms. Li contacted a local private specialist who conducted a full-body scan on her mother. The scan showed that the tumor had shrunk to 3.4 cm (1.3 inches). Ms. Li exclaimed, “In less than six weeks my mother’s tumor shrank by nearly 2 cm (.8 inches), even smaller than the first report in August. Such good news was hard for the family to believe.”

“Now, several months have passed, and my mother’s health is continually improving. Her sleep has improved, her blood pressure and blood sugar levels have decreased, and her back and leg pain has lessened. Even the memory loss due to senile dementia is better. The family is very happy to see her changes and no longer feels anxious and worried.”

With tears in her eyes Ms. Li expressed her infinite gratitude for Master’s profound grace. She said practicing Dafa not only greatly benefited herself but also brought blessings to her family members who do not practice. She exclaimed, “I’m endlessly grateful for Master’s immense compassion! I feel extremely fortunate. Through studying the teachings, I’ve felt even more how compassionate Master is, how much he cherishes our lives, and how difficult the things he does are. I can only be more diligent, improve myself, and save more people in order to be worthy of Master’s compassionate salvation!”