(Minghui.org) Practitioners in Taipei gathered at the 228 Peace Memorial Park on May 11, 2024 to celebrate World Falun Dafa Day and wish their founder Master Li Hongzhi a happy birthday. The 228 Peace Memorial Park is a Chinese theme park in Zhongzheng District, Taipei. It is close to important landmarks including the Presidential Office Building and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and is one of the main venues during Taipei's music season.

It was a rare sunny day and the skies were clear. Practitioners brought friends and family along to attend the activities and nearly all the seats in the arc shaped outdoor area were full. Guests were treated to performances from the Tian Guo Marching Band and waist drum team, and the atmosphere was joyful and festive.

The Tian Guo Marching Band and waist drums were some of the performances held at 228 Peace Memorial Park on May 11, 2024.

Young practitioners also went on stage to recite poems from Hong Yin, to warm applause.

Young practitioners recited poems from Hong Yin.

After the performances, all of the practitioners present did the first, third and fourth exercises together. The M.C. encouraged guests to join the practitioners in doing the exercise movements.

Practitioners in Taipei demonstrated the exercises as part of World Falun Dafa Day celebrations at 228 Peace Memorial Park on May 11, 2024.

At the end, everyone stood up and went on stage to shout in chorus: “Happy Birthday Master! Falun Dafa is wonderful, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is great!”

Practitioners wished Master Li happy birthday during the grand gathering at the 228 Peace Memorial Park on May 11, 2024 to celebrate World Falun Dafa Day.

Chen Menglan, a teacher, does not practice Falun Dafa, but she accompanied a friend to attend the World Falun Dafa Day activities. She said she had heard about Falun Dafa long ago and read the teachings out of curiosity. Her good friend also introduced her to the practice. She said, “Falun Dafa teaches people to be good. They often help others after learning it, and practitioners are kind. By sowing the seeds of kindness it slowly affects others in society, because the power of compassion is very strong.”

Business Assistant Benefits from Practicing Falun Dafa

Lin Yuqing said that she experienced physical and mental benefits after practicing Falun Dafa.

Lin Yuqing works as a business assistant at a plastics company and she used to be attached to personal gain before she began practicing Falun Dafa. When she saw a piece of paper on the ground, she would check to see if it was a lotto ticket. If it was, she would pick it up as she might win a prize. After she became a practitioner, she understood that she should not pursue what does not belong to her or she will lose valuable virtue. She naturally let go of her attachment to personal gain.

In addition, she used to try and get paid overtime. Even if she had nothing to do, she stayed behind. Now, she simply does her job well and does not care if she is paid overtime or not.

She also had a few extraordinary experiences. Once, after doing the exercises, she saw two footprints on the ground. She thought it was Master purifying her body. Indeed, since then, she is no longer afraid of the cold. “In the past, I would feel cold after eating too many iced desserts or fruit. Now, I am fine even if I drink cold water.”

Because she stared at the computer for hours at a time, her eyesight was poor and her vision was blurred before she practiced Falun Dafa. After she joined the group exercises, she no longer had problems with her vision. Previously, she had a bad stomach due to stress at work and even underwent a gastroscopy. She later recovered by doing the exercises. She said, “When I did the fourth exercise one day, my abdomen suddenly itched. I later realized that my stomach problems were gone. I am really grateful to Master.”

She used to get rashes after being in the sun. The doctor told her there was no way to stop this except to avoid being exposed to the sun. She wore long sleeves to work for a year and even used an umbrella when she went outside. After she practiced Falun Dafa, this problem disappeared.

Food Business Owner Practices Falun Dafa After Initially Opposing It

Qiao Fang, 53, works in the food industry. She began to practice Falun Dafa in 2007. She said was inspired by her husband, who practices cultivation.

“My husband used to be ill tempered and had no consideration for others. After he began to practice Falun Dafa, he became considerate. Once, he came home late at night. I locked the door and refused to let him in. Even though afterwards I let him in, I continued to reprimand him. He did not say a word and went to the kitchen to cook. Later on, he gently explained why he was late and said, 'My temper improved after I practiced Falun Dafa, my health improved too. Why are you still so angry?'”

His sincere words made her think. He had changed tremendously. He used to catch colds often and frequently went to see the doctor. Since he practiced cultivation, he became healthy and stopped going to doctors. Why am I still angry? Out of curiosity, Qiao Fang read the main book Zhuan Falun. She finally realized what she had been searching for was Falun Dafa. “I used to be interested in cultivating Buddhism, I kept searching for answers in the Buddhist religion but for two decades, I did not know what I was searching for and found nothing. When I read Zhuan Falun, everything became clear to me!”

She began to handle relationships with family, customers and employees using the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance. She said, “Working in the food industry is hard, but I don’t feel tired after practicing cultivation. I am always smiling and full of energy. Some customers ask me what made the difference?”

One day, a staff member forgot to cook rice. Qiao Fang did not get upset and told the employee that it was all right since everyone makes mistakes. When customers heard her response, they praised her: “You are so good tempered. If it were me, I would be angry.” She tells them it is because she practices Falun Dafa.

I Learned What True Cultivation Is

Daniel is grateful to Master Li for teaching the Fa.

Daniel from Australia, 35, was introduced to Dafa in 2005 by his neighbor. He said, “My neighbor does not practice but he told me that Falun Dafa is an upright cultivation way. Master is here to help people and he suggested that I read Zhuan Falun.”

After reading the first lecture, he discovered that the principles taught in the book were profound and he decided to practice cultivation. He previously read books on Buddhism, but only found them to be all right. He did not feel any real improvement. But Dafa is different, as it emphasizes the importance of moral character and taught him what true cultivation is.

“In the past, I thought I would just be like that, but after practicing Dafa, I began to think of other people’s feelings and be considerate. I understand that Dafa asks that we look at our own shortcomings. When we run into problems, if I become upset, I have to think of why this happened. I have the opportunity to improve my moral character in everyday life, whether it is at work, at home or in whatever environment.”

“I have to think where I can do better and conduct myself according to the teachings of Dafa all the time, and I can feel myself improving. This is cultivation.”

He also experienced something extraordinary through doing the exercises. “For example, while doing the second exercise, I can feel my laogong point opened, a powerful energy in my hands, the acupuncture points near my points are opened and energy kept coming from within.”

He is grateful for Master Li’s guidance and hopes more people can know what Falun Dafa is.