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Falun Dafa Practitioners from 63 Countries and Regions Wish Master Li a Happy Birthday

May 14, 2024 |   By a Minghui correspondent

(Minghui.org) After Falun Dafa was introduced to the public by Master Li in 1992, people with all different backgrounds and races around the world have benefited from the practice. The five sets of exercises and principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance have brought better health, improved mind nature, and harmonious families.

On the 32nd anniversary of Falun Dafa’s introduction to the public, practitioners from 63 countries and regions have submitted greetings to Minghui thanking Master Li and wishing him a Happy Birthday!

These countries are: France, Germany, Netherlands, Ireland, India, Spain, Poland, Serbia and Montenegro, South Korea, Belgium, Norway, Sweden, Slovakia, Croatia, Cypress, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Switzerland, Romania, Slovenia, Malaysia, Taiwan, Japan, Australia, United States, Canada, Finland, Brazil, Singapore, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Austria, New Zealand, Vietnam, Denmark, Russia, Turkey, Thailand, Armenia, United Kingdom, Scotland, Venezuela, Cuba, Ecuador, Puerto Rico, Arabia, Philippines, Taiwan, Macau, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Moldova, Palestine, Syria, and Kyrgyzstan.

Greetings from Falun Dafa practitioners in Eastern Canada

Practitioners from Berlin, Germany wish Master Li a Happy Birthday!

Polish practitioners are celebrating World Falun Dafa Day.

Greetings from Belgian practitioners

Practitioners from Montreal, Canada, wish Master Li a Happy Birthday!

Greetings from Jeonbuk, South Korea

Young practitioners in Malaysia said they would do better aligning with the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.

Practitioners in Norway submitted their sincere greetings.

Greek practitioners celebrate the World Falun Dafa Day.

Croatian practitioners wish Master Li a Happy Birthday!

Warm greetings from practitioners in Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Japanese practitioner wish Master Li a Happy Birthday!

Greetings from Melbourne, Australia

Falun Dafa practitioners in Arizona, USA, submitted their greetings

Finnish practitioners celebrate World Falun Dafa Day.

Practitioners in Israel wish Master Li a Happy Birthday!

Italian practitioners submitted their greetings.

Practitioners in Latvia wish Master Li a Happy Birthday!

Brazilian practitioners submitted their greetings.

Practitioners in Singapore wish Master Li a Happy Birthday!

Greetings from practitioners in Indonesia

Greetings from Calgary, Canada

Greetings from Finland

Greetings were received from practitioners in Hong Kong.

Austrian practitioners wish Master Li a Happy Birthday!

Practitioners in Denmark submitted their greetings.

Greetings from practitioners in Vietnam

Greetings were received from scientific researchers in Europe.

Romania practitioners wish Master Li a Happy Birthday!

Greetings from Tianti Bookstore in France

Greetings from practitioners in Stuttgart, Germany

Greetings from a practice site in Germany

Greetings were received from Netherlands.

Young practitioners from Ireland wish Master Li a Happy Birthday!

Bulgarian practitioners celebrate World Falun Dafa Day.

Indian practitioners wish Master Li a Happy Birthday!

Spanish practitioners celebrate World Falun Dafa Day.

Greetings from Serbia and Montenegro

Practitioners from Hualien, Taiwan, sincerely wish Master Li a Happy Birthday!

Greetings from practitioners in South Korea

Practitioners in Ireland submitted a poem:


Cultivating in Falun Dafa,is a precious opportunity;A dream came true after thousands of yearsa moment brought me to tears.

No words can express my thankfulness to Master,as I can only walk on the cultivation path better and faster;Doing the three things to fulfill my mission,I will return with Master to the origin.

Greetings from practitioners in Belgium

Practitioners in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, celebrate World Falun Day.

Practitioners in Spain wish Master Li a Happy Birthday.

Swedish practitioners submitted their greetings.

Portuguese practitioners wish Master Li a Happy Birthday!

Practitioners from the French-speaking region in Switzerland celebrate World Falun Dafa Day.

Russian practitioners wish Master Li a Happy Birthday!

Greetings were received from practitioners in Turkey.

Thailand practitioners wish Master Li a Happy Birthday!

Practitioners in Armenia wish Master Li a Happy Birthday!

Greetings were received from Newcastle, United Kingdom.

Scottish practitioners wish Master Li a Happy Birthday!

Greetings were received from practitioners in Singapore.

Practitioners in Venezuela wish Master Li a Happy Birthday!

Greetings were received from Cuba.

Greetings were received from practitioners in Ecuador.

Greetings were received from practitioners in Puerto Rico.

Your turn towards The Light embraces allEverything of everything everywhereNow focused here today for Glory Yours!

Arabic practitioners celebrate World Falun Dafa Day.

Practitioners in Philippines wish Master Li a Happy Birthday!

Greetings were received from practitioners in New Taipei City, Taiwan.

Greetings were received from practitioners in Macau.

Practitioners in Cyprus wish Master Li a Happy Birthday!

Practitioners from Bosnia and Herzegovina submitted their greetings.

Practitioners in Hungary wish Master Li a Happy Birthday!

Practitioners in Moldova submitted their greetings.

Practitioners from Slovakia and Czech Republic wish Master Li a Happy Birthday!

Greetings were received from practitioners in Palestine.

Practitioners in Syria celebrate World Falun Dafa Day.

Practitioners in Kyrgyzstan wish Master Li a Happy Birthday!