(Minghui.org) Practitioners in Scotland and Northern England held an event in the center of Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, on May 4, 2024, to celebrate the 32nd anniversary of Falun Dafa’s public introduction.

Practitioners set up a tent next to the Wellington Statue on Princes Street, the busiest street in Edinburgh. A banner in English reading “Falun Dafa in Scotland” was hung on the top of the tent. On the right side was an introduction to the five Falun Dafa exercises, and on the left were display boards calling to stop the persecution of Falun Dafa.

The location was close to a high-end commercial street, train station and bus station, and was filled with pedestrians, tourists, and vehicles. Because the Duke of Wellington defeated Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815, his statue is a popular tourist attraction.

When practitioners demonstrated the peaceful exercises, many passers-by stopped to watch, approached the booth, or used their mobile phones to take pictures of the exercise demonstration and the display boards. Many people said that the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance are universal and vital to society and life. Some said they wished to learn the exercises, and signed a petition calling to stop the persecution.

People learn about Falun Dafa

People Like Falun Dafa

A man from Edinburgh wishes to learn Falun Dafa.

A man living in Edinburgh walked straight up to a practitioner and told her that he knew about Falun Dafa and wanted to learn the exercises. He said, “Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance are so important.” After getting the contact information of the person in charge of the local practice site, he happily took photos with the practitioner.

After signing the petition, two women said they wished to learn Falun Dafa. A practitioner gave them information about free online Falun Dafa classes. They happily gave the practitioner a big hug and took a group photo.

Two women who wish to learn Falun Dafa took a group photo with the practitioner.

Rowan and his friend learn about Falun Dafa and sign the petition.

Rowan is a hypnotherapist and was interested in the exercises demonstrated by practitioners. His friend from Aberdeen is studying theology and was also drawn by the exercises. After a practitioner explained about Falun Dafa to them, they signed the petition without hesitation.

They also asked some profound questions about the principles of the practice. After a long in-depth chat, the practitioner suggested that they read Zhuan Falun online for free to get more answers. They said they would definitely learn more about this practice and take part in a local free teaching course to try it out.

Derek and his wife learn about Falun Dafa.

When Derek and his wife passed by the booth, they carefully read the information and discussed it. Afterwards, they asked a practitioner how long he had practiced, what he felt and gained from practicing, the principles of Falun Dafa, and many other questions. They said they appreciated the practice that let one keep a clear mind in this chaotic era.

Derek said, “It’s not surprising that communist authoritarian countries persecute people who practice Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.” After signing the petition, they told the practitioner that they would learn more about how to learn Falun Dafa online and consider attending a local free course.

People Help Spread the Practice

A young man takes photos of practitioners doing the exercises.

A tall young Chinese man brought a camera and kept taking pictures next to the booth. When a practitioner handed him a flyer, he said he was born and raised outside of China, did not understand Chinese, and had never heard of Falun Dafa. So the practitioner told him about the principles of the practice and the spread of Dafa to the world, and talked about the CCP’s persecution, including organ harvesting from living people. He was shocked. He said he would go online to learn more and tell his parents.

Three girls and one boy from Morecambe, England were fascinated by the peaceful exercise demonstration. They asked a practitioner, “Can we join you?” The practitioner replied, “Of course.” They happily joined and learned the exercises.

They asked some questions about cultivation. One girl said she had a YouTube channel with a lot of views. She said she would share photos and information of practitioners doing the exercises on her channel to help promote the practice. They also took many photos of themselves and practitioners. Before they left, the boy told the practitioner, “Your smile is so beautiful.”

A refugee from Ukraine signs the petition.

A refugee from Ukraine called for an end to the Russia-Ukraine war next to the practitioners’ venue. The peaceful scene of the practitioners drew her attention. She went over to learn more and signed a petition against the persecution. When the practitioner presented her with a small origami lotus flower with Falun Dafa information written on it, she happily kissed the lotus flower.

Young Practitioners Appreciate Master

Jennet and her husband practice Falun Dafa and welcomed their son in February this year. The couple went to the event with their newborn. They said that this was the first Falun Dafa Day since their son came into the world. It was of great significance to this new life and could not be missed. They also said that they now play recordings of Master’s lectures to their son every day. When Master talked about opening the third eye, the infant opened his eyes wide and looked around.

Talking about choosing a name for his son, Janet’s husband said, “One day, when I was thinking hard about naming my son, suddenly a poem ‘Seeking’ (Hong Yin III) by Master appeared in my mind, so, we named our son Seeking, hoping that he would grow up in the great grace of Dafa.”

Another young new practitioner, Lynne, said her husband has practiced Dafa with his parents since he was eight years old. She started practicing Falun Dafa in November last year.

She pressed her hands together in front of her chest and said respectfully to Master: “Greetings, Master! Thank you, Master, for spreading Dafa in these troubled times. The principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance can purify people’s souls and help them achieve a noble life. I wish Master a happy birthday.”