(Minghui.org) May 13, 2024 marks the 25th World Falun Dafa Day, the 32nd anniversary of Falun Dafa’s introduction to the public and the 73rd birthday of Master Li Hongzhi. 

Practitioners from across Canada have sent their greetings to Minghui website to celebrate this grand occasion. They express their profound gratitude to Master Li and vow to be more diligent in cultivation and help more people learn the benefits and wonderfulness of Falun Dafa. 

The well-wishers hail from the following places:

Greetings to Master from a practitioner’s family of three generations from China who resides in Canada

Greetings to Master from practitioners in a truth-clarification site in Ontario 

Greetings to Master from practitioners in truth clarification site in Niagara Falls, Toronto

Greetings to Master from a practitioner’s family in Toronto

Greetings to Master from practitioners in Canada 

Greetings to Master from a practitioner’s family in Toronto