(Minghui.org) May 13th is World Falun Dafa Day, an annual event celebrated by practitioners around the world, and this year marks the 32nd anniversary of Falun Dafa’s introduction. The date coincides with Mr. Li Hongzhi’s birthday. Practitioners in Australia and New Zealand held celebrations in various places, took group photos to congratulate Master on his birthday, and thanked Master for his compassion.

Practitioners in New Zealand wish Master happy birthday.

Practitioners in Sydney wish Master happy birthday.

Falun Gong practitioners in Melbourne wish Master a happy birthday.

Practitioners in Queensland wish Master happy birthday.

Practitioners in South Australia wish Master a happy birthday.

Practitioners in Western Australia wish Master happy birthday.

Practitioners in Canberra wish Master happy birthday.

Practitioners in Tasmania wish Master happy birthday!

Practitioners in Cairns wish Master happy birthday.

Vietnamese practitioners in Sydney wish Master happy birthday!

Young practitioners who attend the Minghui Primary School in Sydney wish Master happy birthday!

Dafa Benefits My Whole Family

Ms. Sun said, “I’m sincerely grateful for my 20 year long cultivation journey under Master’s protection, and my family and I wish Master a happy birthday!”

Ms. Sun said that at the end of 1998, she saw practitioners holding free Falun Gong workshops in the community, and learned that Falun Gong is an effective and good practice for resolving illnesses. “Because I was ill, I decided to try Falun Gong and I learned the exercises.”

Before she began practicing, she suffered from endometriosis, and the doctor recommended a hysterectomy and prescribed a treatment, but it brought side effects and abnormal bleeding. During menstruation, she experienced severe pain that made it difficult for her to sleep. She was miserable.

After practicing, Ms. Sun said, “Through continuous study and practice, I was miraculously cured of the gynecological disease I suffered from, and I did not undergo surgery.”

After she read Zhuan Falun she was pleasantly surprised to discover that the connotation of Falun Dafa is broad and profound, and she understood that the meaning of life and the root cause of people’s illness is karma. She said, “Cultivation is about trying to make one’s words and deeds conform to the standards of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and to maintain a peaceful state of mind. My family has seen the beauty of Dafa by witnessing my positive changes. They all encouraged me to practice. I benefited both physically and mentally and my son now practices Falun Dafa.”

Falun Gong practitioners practice Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance just to be good people, but in China, they are brutally persecuted by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) and even have their organs harvested while they are alive. Ms. Sun was very sad to hear this. For the past 20 years, rain or shine, every week she goes to the Chinese Consulate in Brisbane and passes out information about the persecution. She said, “Many kindhearted Australians came to learn the truth and sign the petition to end the persecution. Some give us a thumbs up to show their support.”

Truly Following the Principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance

Naomi does the fifth exercise.

Naomi, 17, from Korea, has been living in Sydney and practicing Falun Dafa since she was a child. Referring to the challenges and dilemmas facing today’s generation of young people, she said, “In this day and age, the moral values and ideals of our society have been seriously degraded. We, the young people, are navigating this ever-changing and complex world. It’s difficult to find other people who share the values of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. I went to a school where many of my peers did not value these qualities, but rather other modern ideals such as self-interest, selfishness, and recklessness.

“In this chaotic modern society, it is Falun Dafa and the teachings of Master Li Hongzhi that provide me with good and clear spiritual guidance.”

Through practicing Falun Dafa, Naomi said she gained a sharper and clearer insight into her heart. “By following the teachings, I identified my attachments. In the past, I used to evaluate myself mainly based on my ability to learn, and often sought recognition from others based on the results of exams and assignments, because it was something I was good at.

“I always act humble and dismissive when others compliment me on my achievements. Now I realize that this was a kind of showing off, for I really wanted to be recognized by others, and I was happy that I was at the top of my class and doing better than my peers. I used my last year of high school as an opportunity to get rid of this negative mindset, and my motivation became to work hard to improve my knowledge and skills, rather than to be better than others.

“What I am currently aware of and trying to overcome is the attachment to appearance and success. I’m gradually realizing that these factors will not ultimately lead me to a higher spiritual state. Although I haven’t completely eliminated these attachments, now that I know what my true purpose in life is, it’s much easier to identify them.”

Naomi said gratefully, “Thanks to Master’s teachings, I have begun to get rid of attachments that are not easy for ordinary people to recognize. Although I realized that the spiritual journey is not easy, I’m determined to improve myself and follow the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.”

Finally, she said, “Thank you, Master! Happy Falun Dafa Day!”

Dafa Guides My Cultivation

Shen Juan is grateful to compassionate Master.

Shen Juan began practicing Falun Dafa in 1995. After she moved to New Zealand in 2000, she worked as sales staff at the Epoch Times for more than 12 years. Becoming a full-time salesperson was a big challenge. She has no other source of income and she is afraid to drive, which limits her ability to find customers. There is also the problem of speaking English. She wanted to give up several times, but she truly used Dafa to guide her cultivation, and she persevered.

Her sales performance steadily rose and she can now support herself. She said, “For cultivators, it’s our duty to learn the Fa and practice the exercises. The improvement of one’s mind is fundamental. Because it’s difficult to guarantee that I have free time at night, I go to the office at four o’clock in the morning to do the exercises and study the Fa. I know that this way I can guarantee that I do everything well.”

She said, “In the past ten years of working at the Epoch Times, I have experienced ups and downs, which has given me a deeper understanding of cultivation and a deeper understanding of the Fa principles taught by Master.”

The Book That Will Change Your Life

Ms. Kim Seeto said, “Happy birthday Master! Happy World Falun Dafa Day!”

Ms. Kim Seeto of Mackay, Queensland has practiced Falun Dafa since May 2001.

She said, “When I first got the book Zhuan Falun, I felt happy and very fortunate. It answered many questions I had and my body began to be purified. I love reading this book and I’m getting better and better.

“I like Falun Dafa’s Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. In my daily life, I aspire and strive to do everything according to this principle, which cultivates my inner peace and harmony; cultivated my compassion for all beings. It reinforces my sincerity and kindness to others. Countless practitioners around the world have attested to the tremendous impact that the principles of practicing Falun Dafa have had on their lives, promoting and deepening self-knowledge and spiritual growth. I have a lot of personal experience with this.”

“I hope that more people around the world will have the opportunity to read this book. Everyone should read and learn these principles. They can change your life. Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!”