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[Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] A Bag of Crushed Instant Noodles – Touching Stories During My Wrongful Incarceration

May 18, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) Every time I go to the supermarket and see instant noodles on the shelves, memories from years ago can’t help but come to mind. The memory was so clear, as if it happened yesterday. That bag of crushed instant noodles was the first birthday gift I received after being wrongfully incarcerated for my faith in Falun Dafa. When I was at the lowest point of my life and faced constant brutal torture, it lit up my heart and gave me hope.

Looking back at my experience, those who know me can’t help but sigh; they cannot understand how a person who always passed with flying colors would end up in prison.

Since childhood, I was always well-behaved and never let anyone around me worry about me. I had a smooth ride through elementary school, middle school, and college. The discovery of Falun Dafa during my college years helped me understand the purpose of my life and gave meaning to everything I do.

The persecution started by the Chinese Communist Party in 1999 put an end to my content life. Because I refused to renounce Dafa, I was fired from my job in the government. I was given a heavy sentence at a young age and spent countless hellish days in prison that never seemed to end.

But no matter how dark the environment was or how I was tortured, I was always aware that I am a Falun Dafa disciple and that not only could I not fail myself, but I should also bring light to the people around me.

Two Red Flowers and a Silver Horse

In the detention center, most of the detainees were pessimistic and desperate. I tried my best to encourage them and let them know that it’s not the end of the world. Many were impressed by how calm I was upon hearing my story. I also took the opportunity to tell them the beauty of Falun Dafa and the facts about the persecution.

Before my court hearing, one detainee dreamed of two red flowers floating toward us. I told them that two human rights lawyers were coming from Beijing to enter a not guilty plea for me.

The night before the hearing, detainee Yu put a sterling silver horse pendant into my hand. “You were born in the year of the horse. I wish that it will bring you good luck tomorrow!” She and others also found a pink cloth and made a necklace from it for me to wear the pendant.

The following day, detainee Zhu made an elegant and beautiful updo of my long hair. Another one lent me brand-new Adidas clothes to wear.

A Bag of Precious Instant Noodles

Hui came from the countryside. After years of abuse by a bully in their village, her family accidentally killed the bully. She rushed to the scene and was accused of being an accessory. She had elderly, bedridden parents and a young child at home. The bully was the relative of the local police chief. It was almost certain that she would receive a heavy sentence. She became depressed and often had shortness of breath. She lost hope in life.

She loved chatting with me. She said she felt comfortable sitting near me. I kept comforting and encouraging her with the principles that I had learned from Falun Dafa. I told her that everything has its karmic reason and everyone has their own destiny. She gradually learned to manage her emotions, and whenever things went wrong again, she would quietly recite, “Falun Dafa is good; Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” She also memorized some poems written by Master Li, the founder of Falun Dafa, and learned to take things lightly and let go of grudges and resentments.

In the detention center, with very scarce resources and very poor food provided, a bag of instant noodles was a luxury to have. One morning before breakfast, Hui gave me an egg and a bag of instant noodles. “Happy Birthday!” (It’s a Chinese tradition to eat noodle on birthdays, as it carries hope for longevity.) I was deeply touched. She gave me something that she had saved for a long time, a precious thing in that harsh environment, and she remembered that it was my birthday, which I myself had forgotten.

A few days before the New Year, with great excitement, Hui told me that she had a dream: a golden horse was coming to her. She knew that I was born in the year of the horse, and she felt that I was that golden horse and would bring her luck.

Shortly after, a guard yelled her name and told her that she would be released unconditionally! It was a surprise to us all! I was very happy for her.

A Blessing Letter

I was still sentenced later on and transferred to the prison. One day, someone called me from the distance. I wondered who she was. She came closer, saying, “You are so-and-so. We came from the same detention center. I read your letter and heard your story. I finally met you today. You must take good care of yourself!”

I remembered that before I was transferred to prison, I stayed up and wrote the detainees in my cell a letter as a parting gift for them. I thanked them for their help and support during the difficult time, particularly their supporting me in upholding my faith. I encouraged them to treat each other with sincerity, kindness, and forgiveness and sincerely recite “Falun Dafa is good; Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” whenever they encounter danger, and they would surely be able to overcome calamities in life. Unexpectedly, they didn’t only read the letter, but also circulated it with others for a long time.

I often think of the kindhearted people I came across in the detention center, their appreciation of Dafa, and their support of Dafa disciples. They will be blessed for their kindness.

(Selected submission to celebrate World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)