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[Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] Our Hearts Are Filled With Gratitude

May 19, 2024 |   By Zheng Xin, a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) One early spring morning in 1999, when I was riding a bus past a city square, I saw thousands of people standing in neat lines doing exercises. As the bus moved, I saw that the lines were straight — horizontally, vertically, and diagonally. The scene was spectacular! 

I later learned they were Falun Dafa practitioners doing the exercises.

A few days before, I’d seen a sign about Falun Dafa hanging near my house. The sign read, “It won’t affect your job, it won’t affect your sleep. It saves time because the Fa cultivates practitioners 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.” I thought, “Wow, that is pretty good.”

I had a dream in which an irresistible force carried me, spinning so fast that I didn’t dare open my eyes. It suddenly stopped. When I opened my eyes I saw a pool of clear water in front of me, in which several golden-red goldfish, swinging their gossamer tails, were swimming leisurely.

A tall Taoist in a white robe was standing by the pool. He had white hair, long white eyebrows, and a long white beard. He had a white whisk in his hand that he flung toward the water, saying, “Disperse to Qi.” The goldfish turned into red liquid and dispersed. I gasped, “The fish are finished!”

The Taoist flicked his whisk toward the water again and said, “Gather and form.” The scattered “red liquid” immediately gathered into swimming goldfish again. I woke up feeling incredible. “Was I in a fairyland?” I wondered.

I Begin Practicing Falun Dafa

I went to watch practitioners do the exercises on Sunday near my house in mid-March 1999. When they were leaving, a practitioner pointed at the big Buddha statue in a picture hanging on the wall and said to another practitioner, “Does that look like Master?” 

It was a picture of a young man standing sideways in front of a big Buddha statue, holding a jacket on his left arm. I felt the young man was kind, down-to-earth, and trustworthy. 

The assistant who was standing next to me said to me, “We’re playing the lecture videos from the beginning today. Come join us if you want.” I joined them and realized that the young man in that picture was Master Li, the founder of Falun Dafa. I began practicing Falun Dafa and I was soon free of illness. 

I had been taking sick leave since 1992 and was getting paid 60% of my salary by the labor insurance through the company’s labor union. Not long after I obtained the Fa, a practitioner asked me one day, “What do you do?” I replied, “I’m on long-term sick leave.” He said, “Are you sick? You’re healthier than a normal person.” I responded, “What are you talking about?” 

I didn’t realize Master was using the practitioner’s mouth to enlighten me that not only was I no longer sick, but I was also a person transcending everyday people because I had obtained the Fa.

In fact, I knew I should go back to work after my illnesses were gone, but I thought, “I won’t have much time to study the Fa. I’ll go back after I study the Fa more.” I had only been practicing for four months when the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) persecution of Falun Dafa began.

The Persecution Begins

In that high-pressure and horrible environment, I went to Beijing to validate Dafa without expecting to come back alive. After 21 days, I was persecuted to the point of being skin and bones and I was on the verge of death. 

With my steadfast belief in Dafa and Master, my detention was changed from criminal to administrative, and I walked out of the detention center alive. When I returned home, I quickly regained my strength through Fa study and by practicing the exercises. My body and mind were purified once more.

Over the past 25 years, the CCP has never stopped persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners, and Master Li’s protection of us has never ceased. Dafa has benefited all practitioners, and all practitioners have been safeguarding Dafa, as well as saving the people who have been deceived by the CCP’s poisonous lies. 

In 2004, I returned to the factory where I worked. I heated up food and prepared hot water for the workers. The coworker on my opposite shift had heart disease, and he was thin, short and looked sickly.

When his illness struck, he had to be hospitalized, and I worked his shift for him. I’m a practitioner of the righteous Fa, and I must be selfless and considerate of others. Someone said to me, “He’s so sick. If he died, would you work his shift for nothing?” I thought, “He needs to pay his medical bills. If he doesn’t get paid, how can he survive?” I wanted to help him get through it.

After he was discharged from the hospital and returned to work, he thanked me wholeheartedly. I gave him a truth-clarification flier and an amulet. He read the flier carefully and understood the truth. I helped him quit the Communist Youth League and the Young Pioneers.

His personality soon changed and he married a good woman. She took good care of him, and he became healthy and strong. I was happy that he was blessed after he withdrew from the CCP-affiliated organizations, and that he experienced the wonders of Dafa.

At that time, I did the Falun Dafa exercises from 3:50 to 5:50 a.m., sent righteous thoughts at 5:55 a.m., and then read a lecture in Zhuan Falun (the main book of Falun Dafa). I ate breakfast and went to work. After work, I read other lectures or the Minghui Weekly.

I gave various kinds of truth-clarification brochures, leaflets, and copies of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party to my coworkers. When they understood the truth, it was easy to help them quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. Some people brought me a list of names and asked me to help their family members quit. 

One day, a stout-looking man came out of the office building and said to me, “If everyone were like you, it would have been over long ago.” I thought he was talking to others. I turned around and saw that no one was behind me, and realized he was talking to me. I wondered what I did to make him say that. 

My enlightenment quality was poor at that time. Now I understand that Master was enlightening me that we should cooperate with each other and help people understand the truth and quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations, and the persecution would be over soon. 

My daughter was getting married. As a retiree, I went back to my workplace and invited my former coworkers to attend my daughter’s wedding. I said that no one should bring any gifts, and I just wanted to thank everyone for their understanding, support and assistance over the past few years. 

My coworkers attended the wedding happily, bringing their best wishes to my daughter. Some coworkers used to have misunderstandings about Dafa, but they changed their views and expressed genuine admiration for me.

One by one, case by case, people’s striking changes like these were the result of Master’s sacrifice and efforts! How can we not be thankful, and how can our hearts not be filled with gratitude?

(Selected submission in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)