(Minghui.org) A World Falun Dafa Day celebration took place at the Missouri State Capitol in Jefferson City, Missouri on May 7, 2024. Falun Dafa practitioners from various parts of the state came together and hosted a reception to celebrate the occasion, along with many state legislators, staff members, and visitors in attendance.

State Senator Tracy McCreery issued a courtesy resolution honoring World Falun Dafa Day and House Representative Tara Peters’ courtesy resolution for the occasion was co-sponsored by seven additional representatives. Most of the resolution sponsors were able to attend the reception to present the resolutions and visit with Falun Dafa practitioners from their districts.

Sponsors of a House and Senate courtesy resolution take a group photo with Missouri Falun Dafa practitioners while presenting recognition for World Falun Dafa Day at the reception on May 7, 2024. Resolution sponsors, from left to right (beginning behind practitioner holding resolution): Rep. Bennie Cook, Rep. Tara Peters, Sen. Tracy McCreery, Rep. Willard Haley, Rep. Don Mayhew, Rep. Jim Kalberloh. 

Legislative staff and visitors attend the World Falun Dafa Day reception on May 7, 2024 in the rotunda near the voting chambers of the Missouri House of Representatives and Senate.

“It was a lovely event,” said Rep. Jim Kalberloh, who was just learning about Falun Dafa and the persecution in China for the first time. He was happy to co-sponsor the resolution.

Rep. Ben Keathley said he appreciated the event and was saddened to learn how one of his constituents had been brutally tortured in China for practicing Falun Gong. He co-sponsored the resolution and condemned the persecution, saying, “Tyrannical governments like the Chinese Communist Party feel any spiritual group could be a threat to their power. The Communist ideology is to wage war on traditional spiritual beliefs and values.”

Rep. Willard Haley, who co-sponsored the resolution and attended the reception, commented, “[The CCP] places themselves above all others. They don’t care about being humanitarian.”

Representative Justin Sparks attended the reception and not only co-sponsored the resolution, but also posted the following photo and message condemning the CCP’s persecution of Falun Dafa at the top of his weekly newsletter that goes out to his constituents and supporters.

Screenshot of the newsletter of Rep. Justin Sparks who also co-sponsored the World Falun Dafa Day resolution after attending the reception.

Sen. Andrew Koenig attended the World Falun Dafa Day reception and visited with his constituent, Ms. Karen Tian.

“I’m happy that both my senator and my representative attended the event,” said Karen Tian, a practitioner from St. Louis who has been raising awareness about the persecution since it began 25 years ago. “My senator is a long-time supporter who co-sponsored resolutions we had in the past condemning the persecution of Falun Dafa,” she said. “I just met my new house representative and he is also very supportive. I thank him for supporting this event and for speaking out against the persecution of Falun Dafa in his online newsletter.”

Ms. Tian felt this event was a wonderful way to celebrate World Falun Dafa Day. “While we celebrate the benefits of practicing Falun Dafa and the values of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, we still have to let more people know about the persecution as long as it is still going on,” Ms. Tian said. “I hope that practitioners in China will soon be able to practice freely and have grand, public celebrations of Falun Dafa Day!”

Thanking Missouri Legislators for Efforts to End Forced Organ Harvesting in China

Baked goods were generously donated for the reception by a local coffeeshop and a cake donated by the Ending Forced Organ Harvesting Satellite Rotary Club of CAAHT (Community Action Against Human Trafficking). The cake read “Thank You Missouri” to show appreciation for the Missouri House passing a bill, HB 2624, aimed at preventing Missourians from taking part in organ tourism to China. 

Cake donated for the World Falun Dafa Day reception by the Ending Forced Organ Harvesting Satellite Rotary Club of CAAHT (Community Action Against Human Trafficking).

Rep. Holly Jones (center), who sponsored a bill this year to combat the CCP’s forced organ harvesting crimes, attended the World Falun Dafa Day reception to show her support.

The bill sponsor, Rep. Holly Jones, also attended the reception to show her support. During a hearing in March for the bill, she said that China’s organ harvesting targeting Falun Dafa practitioners and other prisoners of conscience was a crime against humanity and that it was important to prevent Missourians from unknowingly becoming accomplices to such crimes. She hopes her bill will help stop forced organ harvesting in China, and said she felt every official action to help stop this massive crime is like “taking a bite out of the elephant.” 

Keep Sharing the Message

Rep. Keathley commended practitioners, saying, “I encourage [Falun Dafa] practitioners to keep telling their stories. It’s so helpful for Americans to understand what it is like to not have the freedom of belief, so that we continue to cherish and protect these rights.” 

“I appreciate being invited to this event,” said Rep. Haley. “If [the Falun Dafa] group hadn’t had come to the capitol, I might not have learned about this issue.” 

Rep. Tara Peters, the lead sponsor of the House courtesy resolution honoring World Falun Dafa Day, also encouraged practitioners in Missouri and worldwide to continue to raise awareness. “Keep advocating for your cause,” she said. “You’re going in the right direction.”

Related Report:

Missouri, US: State Senate and House of Representatives Pass Resolution to Commend Falun Dafa