(Minghui.org) As another World Falun Dafa Day approaches, I’d like to tell you about the physical and mental changes I experienced through cultivation, to testify to the wonders of Dafa and express my respect and gratitude to Master Li.

I was fortunate to begin practicing in 1995, which has been the greatest happiness of my life. From the start, I knew that Dafa was good, and that compassionate and great Master was saving me.

Before I began practicing, I had a bad temper and often cursed at others. I hit my children and even my husband.

Life was difficult living in the countryside, and the economic conditions were poor. I couldn’t go to work as I had no one to help me look after my children. When my son started kindergarten at five years old, I found a job collecting waste materials, which involved pulling a cart with another person. It was exhausting.

I ate lunch outside every day, which consisted of pickles and baked bread. I eventually developed numerous health issues such as myocardial ischemia, lumbar disc herniation, osteophytes, neuralgia, and rhinitis. Life was very tough, and I often quarreled with my husband. I felt hopeless and and that life was meaningless.

Fortunately, I later began practicing Falun Dafa. Shortly afterward, all my illnesses disappeared, and I truly experienced the joy of being illness-free. My mood improved, and my temper changed. My children said, “Mom has changed. She no longer curses at us or hits us.” I also stopped arguing with my husband. Our living conditions improved, and the whole family benefited.

My son-in-law fell from a high roof at work, and landed on the concrete below. His only injury was having lower back pain for two days before recovering. Our family said this was truly miraculous, and I knew Master had protected him. I offered incense to Master to express my gratitude.

I began formally studying the Fa in 2014, and established a Fa-study group in my home. In 2016, I participated in truth-clarification phone calls. I read the Fa in the morning and then went out to make phone calls to save people in the afternoon. I also distributed truth-clarification brochures and posted truth-clarification stickers.

When phone cards were no longer available, I went out to clarify the truth face-to-face, letting more people know the truth, and talking to them about the beauty of Dafa and the changes in my life after I began cultivating. I shared that people in over 100 countries and regions embrace and practice Falun Dafa.

I strive to follow the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, consider others in everything, and be selfless. When conflicts arise, I look for my shortcomings and correct them. I diligently cultivate myself and do the three things that Dafa disciples should do well.

I hand-copied the bookZhuan Falun once in 2019. In 2021, I began reciting Zhuan Falun every day. I am deeply grateful to Master. Compassionate and great Master saved me from suffering. I must cultivate diligently to be worthy of Master’s salvation.

Due to poor economic conditions, my son was in his thirties and still unmarried, which worried me. A fellow practitioner suggested that I ask Master for help. I wondered if this was something I should ask Master for help with, but she said she asked Master, and her son soon found a wife. So, I offered incense and asked Master for help.

Amazingly, within a few months, my son found a wife and got married that year. It was truly miraculous. Thank you, Master!

My daughter-in-law had a son from a previous relationship who attended school at his grandmother’s house. He was a good student and was admitted to a key high school in the city. However, renting a place to live cost 10,000 yuan a year, which we couldn’t afford. To provide a better learning environment, we let him live with us. I gave up my room for him because I practice cultivation and always consider others first.

After my son got married, he focused on raising his wife’s child and didn’t want to have his own child. This made me very upset. Additionally, my daughter’s child has autism and doesn’t speak, so I really wanted a biological grandson. However, as a practitioner, I can’t force things. I studied the Fa more, and gradually let go of my attachments. If I didn’t cultivate, I would never have understood this. I now take things as they come.

I’m now seventy-eight years old and still help with household chores and cooking. My daughter-in-law has a stomach problem and vomits when eating hard food, so I make soft foods like steamed buns and dumplings. My daughter-in-law’s coworkers envy her, saying, “Your mother-in-law is so nice.” She respects me, and the children recognize the goodness of Dafa.

I know it’s because of my Dafa practice that I can do this. In the future, I will be more strict with myself, let go of the competitive mentality, and remove all bad attachments. I will do well the three things that Dafa disciples should do and return home with Master.

As World Falun Dafa Day approaches, I hope more people benefit from Dafa. By sincerely reciting “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” you can personally experience the profound truths of the universe. Falun Dafa benefits everyone!

(Selected submission in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)