(Minghui.org) May 13, 2024 was the 25th World Falun Dafa Day and the 32nd anniversary of Falun Dafa’s public introduction, as well as Master Li’s birthday.

Practitioners Pablo, Onur and Pawel (from left to right) at Trafalgar Square wish Master a happy birthday.

Onur works in computer design and said that he had read many different spiritual books in an attempt to understand life and the universe, but found that none of them truly convinced him. He always felt that there was something greater than the world we see around us. This led him on a journey to learn more about the origins of the human spirit.

Thirteen years ago his brother attended a martial arts class and a student there introduced him to Falun Dafa. His brother suggested that Onur try Falun Dafa. He started reading the books and practicing the exercises, and felt a huge change. He became much calmer, had more energy, and is kinder and more compassionate. He said that Falun Dafa really allowed him to understand the mysteries of the universe and the nature of existence.

Onur has practiced Falun Dafa for 13 years and strives to live according to the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. He now has peace of mind, does not argue with others, and is considerate and caring of those around him. He is less materialistic and no longer competes for personal gain.

People learn about Falun Dafa at Trafalgar Square.

Because he’s benefited so much, Onur wants to introduce Falun Dafa to others. For the past four years, he has been going to Trafalgar Square, a famous landmark in central London, every week to introduce the practice and tells people about the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) brutal persecution of Falun Dafa and practitioners. In his spare time, he writes articles for newspapers to help people understand China’s traditional culture and spread the practice.

“World Falun Dafa Day is a day of celebration and a great time to showcase the beauty of this great practice to the world,” Onur said. “The annual event has been held for 25 years and I’m really glad to be part of it. I would like to wish Master Li a happy birthday and say thank you for sharing Falun Dafa with the world.”

Pablo: Practicing Dafa Is My Biggest Reward

Pablo is an engineer and often goes abroad for work. He has practiced Dafa for ten years. He went from being a person who seeks to obtain his own health and happiness in life to a person who truly wants to be selfless and noble. He assimilated to Dafa through studying the Fa and talking with other practitioners. Pablo gradually gave up his attachments, and he calmly faces various trials and tribulations. He takes these as opportunities to uplift his heart nature.

When he and his wife have free time, they visit and care for cancer patients in hospitals in London. He also participates in group exercises and promotes Falun Dafa in a park. On weekends, he demonstrates the exercises and tells people that Falun Dafa is good at Pigeon Square in front of the National Gallery, which is crowded with tourists.

He said that May 13th is a special day because it is an opportunity to thank Master for his infinite mercy. Pablo said that practicing Dafa is the greatest blessing for him because of the opportunity to be truly saved, to gain happiness and enlightenment in this life.

Pawel: Master Is the Greatest Spiritual Leader

Pawel from Poland practiced yoga and other qigong before. When he was working at the National Portrait Gallery, he kept seeing the Falun Dafa stand across the street. One day he walked over and asked for a leaflet. He took it home and researched Falun Dafa online.

His intuition told him that Falun Dafa was different and a very good practice, and he wanted to learn it. He found a practice site in East London to learn the exercises, and a practitioner lent him the book Zhuan Falun. Reading this book made him realize that practicing is to return to one’s true nature. He said, “Master is the greatest spiritual leader of our time!”

Nina: A Happy Life After Practicing Dafa

Nina is grateful to Master.

Nina is a mother of two children and has practiced Falun Dafa for six years. With tears in her eyes, she said, “Today is a special day. I am grateful to Master from the bottom of my heart. Thank you, Master. Without Dafa, my marriage might have ended long ago.”

Before she began practicing she was not satisfied with her husband, and her husband did not understand her. There was a lot of trouble at home, and they almost divorced. After she began practicing Falun Dafa, she reflected on herself, began to be considerate of her husband, and became patient with her children. Her husband also changed, her children became happy, and her family life is now happy. She learned from Dafa that she should be kind, not only to her family, but also to convey the power of kindness to all people.

Because practicing Dafa has benefited the family, on weekends, the entire family goes to Chinatown to tell people about Falun Dafa.

Joy: My Practicing Benefits Whole Family

Joy appreciates Master.

In 2010, Joy’s son became seriously ill and almost died. Her whole family was horrified. She knew that she needed to calm down, but she didn’t know how. By chance, she saw an advertisement in a local newspaper for a free Falun Dafa class in a park. She immediately signed up.

When she practiced the first exercise, the stiffness in her back and shoulders was immediately relieved. This magical feeling made her want to continue practicing. When she did the second exercise and listened to the exercise music, she did not focus on her pain and was able to raise her arms. This was a powerful encouragement for her. She was focused and felt that her energy was getting stronger and more powerful.

Moreover, she felt that Falun Dafa’s energy field was particularly pure. Practicing Falun Dafa not only eliminated her illnesses and kept her fit, but also benefited her whole family. From then on, she took great care of her husband, who also supported her practice. Her son also recovered, and the family says they are blessed and happy.

She said, “My gratitude to Master is beyond words. Master has given me great hope and confidence, allowing me to have a truly beautiful and peaceful future full of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. I am honored to devote everything I have to fulfilling my mission. I would also like to express my deep and eternal gratitude and respect to Master.”