(Minghui.org) For many years, police officers often came to my home to harass my wife because she practiced Falun Dafa. However, I fully supported her because I saw that she changed into a better person. I thought it would be too difficult for me to take up the practice, and I couldn’t bear the thought of having to get up early every morning to do the exercises. That is, until the day I started to practice Falun Dafa.

My Wife’s Changes

Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong, is a traditional Chinese spiritual practice of the mind and body that the Chinese Communist Party has persecuted since July 1999.

Since my wife refused to give up her faith in Falun Dafa, police often came to our home to harass us. In 2020, we decided to leave our home to avoid further harassment. At that time, my neighbors said, “If the state doesn’t allow you to practice, just don’t do it. Don’t throw straws against the wind.” 

However, I fully supported my wife because I witnessed the changes in her.

She used to be an impatient person who lost her temper easily. She complained about almost everything. She never admitted her mistakes when she had conflicts with others. After she began cultivating her character in Falun Dafa, her behavior totally changed. She became a peaceful and gentle person. Whenever she encountered a conflict, she always looked inward to see what she may have done wrong. In addition, many of her illnesses, such as stomach pain and headaches, were gone. I learned that Falun Dafa is good and Dafa can make people change into better people. Sometimes, I read the book Zhuan Falun. However, I never wanted to practice Falun Dafa because I thought it was extremely difficult and I didn’t want to get up to do the exercises.

My Changes

A few years ago, my older sister, who also practices Dafa, came to our home. At that time, she was sick because she had slacked off in her cultivation. She wanted to do the exercises and study Fa with my wife, thinking it might help her get better. I thought, “Well if I joined them, wouldn’t the energy field be stronger?” That’s when I started to practice Dafa.

I felt like I had entered a new world. I never felt so happy. My inner eye opened, and I often saw spinning Faluns (law wheels) and wonderful scenes in other dimensions. 

Because I grew up in a poor family, I highly valued making a profit. I always thought about earning money and saving money. I was so calculating that I couldn’t sleep at night. It was precisely as Master Li said,

“In ordinary human society, in competing with others for fame and personal gain, you cannot sleep well or eat well, and you’ve gotten your body into very bad shape.” (Lecture Two, Zhuan Falun)

Reading Master’s teaching was like a spring cleaning of the dirt from my mind. It freed me from the daily anxiety I usually felt. I understood that the meaning of life was to return to my original self. I let go of my attachment to gaining money and things. I joined a Fa study group. I studied the Fa in the morning and worked in the afternoon. Although I only worked half-days, my income stayed the same. Just as Master said, 

“If something is yours, you will not lose it. If something is not yours, you will not have it even if you fight for it.” (Lecture Seven, Zhuan Falun)

Some miraculous things have happened to me. Many times, when I was walking home after work, and rain was imminent, I thought it would be great if it didn’t rain until after I arrived home—the rain only started when I arrived home.

Once, I went to a fellow practitioner’s home to give her some Falun Dafa materials. Her apartment was on the fourteenth floor. Residents used a card in the elevator to get to their floors, but I didn’t have a card. Just then, someone stepped out of the elevator and asked him if he would swipe his card for me. He agreed and said the elevator would only stop at the twenty-second floor where he lived. I was happy with that, as walking down the stairs to the fourteenth floor from the twenty-second floor was easier than walking up from the first floor. When I was in the elevator, I thought how nice it would be if the elevator stopped on the fourteenth floor—it stopped on the fourteenth floor.

Now, at age 66, I feel very fortunate to practice Falun Dafa, which has turned my life from a pool of muddy sewage into a clear stream. I hope more people will read Zhuan Falun.