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Taiwan: Parade Held in Tainan to Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day

May 7, 2024 |   By Falun Dafa practitioners in Tainan

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners gathered at Tainan Park on May 4, 2024, to celebrate May 13 – World Falun Dafa Day. This year marks the 32nd anniversary of Falun Dafa’s introduction to the public. May 13 is also the founder, Master Li’s birthday. To express gratitude to Master for teaching the Fa, practitioners held a parade to share the joy of practicing cultivation and the beauty of the practice.

Practitioners gathered at Tainan Park on May 5, 2024, to celebrate World Falun Dafa Day and Master Li’s birthday.

The parade kicked off with the Tian Guo Marching Band performing songs: “Thank You Master” and “Falun Dafa is Great.” There was a replica of Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa, and many flags with messages celebrating the occasion. This was followed by a team of fairy maidens, and practitioners playing waist drums and demonstrating the exercises. People stopped to watch along the route. Some took photos with their mobile phones while others were delighted to see Falun Dafa practitioners bring joy and hope to the community.

Practitioners held a parade in Tainan to celebrate World Falun Dafa Day.

People along the parade route stopped to watch, and take photos.

No Longer Bothered By Emotion

Chen Jialing who has been practicing Falun Dafa for a year was troubled by emotions – family ties, friendship, love. Since her university days, she began to wonder about the purpose of life and hoped to find a way to free herself from emotional problems.

Chen Jialing wants to let more people know how amazing Falun Dafa is through the parade.

In April 2023, just as she was at her lowest point in life, she encountered Falun Dafa. Through practicing cultivation, she gradually learned to take her emotions lightly, She said, “I started to relax, unlike before when I felt stuck.”

Through practicing cultivation for over a year, she has had deep revelations about life, and she wants to tell people, “If you realize what you spent your whole life pursuing and what you have, but you cannot take it away with you, then what is it you can take away? This is something we should try to work hard for in this life.”

She also hopes that through the parade, more people will see how amazing Falun Dafa is.

Physical and Mental Well Being Improved Through Practicing Cultivation

Ms. Xu Chunhua began to practice Falun Dafa in 2002. She always has a bright smile on her face. Before she retired, she was a clothing wholesaler. She realized the meaning of life through studying the teachings of Dafa for 22 years. She learned to see things in a positive way whenever she encounters problems. She said, “My mental and spiritual well-being has advanced in a positive direction since practicing Falun Dafa. My health has improved too.”

She too hopes people will learn about the benefits of practicing Falun Dafa through the parade.

Xu Chunhua said practicing Falun Dafa improved her physical and mental well-being.

I Found the Answer to Life Through Zhuan Falun

Lai Ziyun began practicing Falun Dafa with her mother when she was four years old. She used to go to the hospital frequently. Since she began to practice Falun Dafa, her health improved tremendously. She no longer needs to take medication and now enjoys good health.

Lai Ziyun said words cannot describe the gratitude she has for the founder, Master Li.

As she grew up practicing cultivation, she often found the answers to what is the purpose of life in the book Zhuan Falun. She participated in the parade to express her gratitude to Master Li. She also hopes people will be inspired to take up Falun Dafa. 

Dafa Made Me a Better Person

Yang Ren, a doctor, began to practice Falun Dafa through his mother’s recommendation, and he has been practicing for 15 years. Through practicing cultivation, he understood that one needs to abide by high moral standards. He thanks Master Li for his guidance and making him a better person. Since the CCP has censured the persecution of Falun Gong he hopes people can realize the brutality of the persecution.

Yang Ren hopes more people around him learn the facts about the persecution.

A Message of Kindness

The parade passed near the Confucius temple and the National Museum of Taiwan in the central west district of Tainan City. This is a popular area where young people gather on weekends. 

Ms. Wu, a student, came to the area with her friends, saw the parade by chance, and was surprised by the scale. She learned of practitioners’ continuous efforts to raise awareness of the ongoing persecution in China and thought it was a great way to pass the message of kindness through such a beautiful parade. She felt happy that there is such a group in Taiwan.

Ms. Wu admired practitioners’ unwavering efforts in raising awareness of the ongoing persecution in China and expressed support for spreading kindness through the parade.

Mr. Chen who owns a car rental company watched the parade as it passed by his shop entrance. He quickly came out to watch it and recorded it with his mobile phone. He said this was the first time he heard of Falun Dafa. He thought the parade was grand.

Mr. Chen said “Falun Dafa is great.”

Chen and Zhou, both students, thought the parade was unique. They observed that many young practitioners and children were in the parade. They said although they had not heard of Falun Dafa before, they would go online to find out more information.

Students Chen and Zhou thought the parade was unique.

Practitioners held a parade in Tainan on May 4 to celebrate World Falun Dafa Day.

The parade returned to the starting point around 5:30 that evening. The majestic music played by the Tian Guo Marching Band, the golden rays of the setting sun shining on the Falun Dafa banners, and the uplifting music from waist drums brought joy to spectators. Residents in Tainan said the parade gave them an unforgettable experience and a great feeling.