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[Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] Amazing Experiences of Two Japanese Practitioners in Their 80s

May 8, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Japan

(Minghui.org) I started to practice Falun Dafa in Japan at the end of May 1998 and now live in Inazawa City, Aichi Province. I would like to share several experiences of Ms. Suzuki and Mr. Tanaka, who are both over 80 years old, to illustrate the extraordinary and miraculous nature of Falun Dafa, to thank Master for his compassionate salvation, and to celebrate World Falun Dafa Day and Master Li’s birthday on May 13.

Not Injured When a Car Door Closed on Her Hand

Ms. Suzuki was born in Japan. We have been practicing Falun Dafa together for over 10 years. We teach the Falun Dafa exercises twice a month at a culture center in the city, which is a five-minute drive from my home.

Because the cultural center was getting old and is going to be demolished, Ms. Suzuki found another venue last year where we could continue our voluntary teaching, which we now do four times a month.

One day two or three years ago, Ms. Suzuki, her husband, and a friend were getting into a car when her friend accidentally closed the door on Ms. Suzuki’s hand. Her friend thought she was already sitting down so she closed the door. Ms. Suzuki cried out, “My hand is caught in the door! Open the door!” Her friend opened the door right away.

Her hand really hurt, but after a while, the pain subsided and she felt better. In fact, she was not injured at all. She said, “I must be protected by Dafa. Otherwise, my bones could have been broken from being crushed in a car door.”

She personally experienced the supernatural nature of Dafa through this incident. She often recites the auspicious phrases “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” If she feels sick, she says that she will be better after she does the five exercises.

Ms. Suzuki’s skin is clear and fine and she is full of energy. She introduced Falun Dafa to her brother and sister-in-law.

Ms. Suzuki also told me something else that happened a few years ago.

She said, “One day I took a Falun Dafa flyer to read it in the bathroom, but when I entered the bathroom, the light went out. I thought the light was broken, but I flipped the switch, and the light came back on. The light wasn’t broken.”

She said to me, “I realized that I shouldn’t take Dafa materials to a place like a bathroom. What do you think?” I replied, “I think you are right!”

Cancer Cells Disappeared

Mr. Tanaka is in his 80s. I first met him more than 10 years ago. He knew that I was practicing Falun Dafa. He had done the exercises with me several times at the cultural center, but he stopped coming because he didn’t want to drive at night.

In early November last year I suddenly remembered that I hadn’t been in touch with Mr. Tanaka for a while, so I called him. He told me that he was in the hospital and that the doctor had found cancer cells under his tongue.

I told him, “Do you still remember the auspicious phrases I told you? Please try to recite them in Chinese, and you will definitely get well faster.”

He replied, “Sure, but can you tell me the words again?” So I told him on the phone how to say, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” in Chinese. I told him what the words meant, how to pronounce them, and how to write the characters. He took it seriously and repeated the phrases several times to make sure he was saying them correctly. I could tell that he was very sincere.

After some time, he called me one night to say, “I have a good news. The doctor said the cancer cells under my tongue have disappeared, and I will be discharged tomorrow.

“I wrote down the auspicious phrases and have them next to my bed. I recite them every day before I go to sleep, and whenever I can.” He also said that he had to have a follow-up exam in two months, that is, on January 30 this year. If it went well, he no longer needed to take the medications anymore.

I was so happy for him and encouraged him to continue reciting the auspicious phrases.

On the evening of January 30, Mr. Tanaka called and told me me, “I went for my follow-up exam today and the doctor said I was totally fine and can stop the medication.”

I couldn’t have been happier. He said, “The auspicious phrases are posted in my bedroom and I say them every night before I go to sleep.” And now, every time we meet or before he ends a call, he always repeats very seriously, in his special accent, “Falun Dafa hao, Zhen-Shan-Ren hao.”