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By Following Dafa’s Principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance, Everyone Around Me Changed

May 8, 2024 |   By a Dafa disciple in Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) I’ve been practicing cultivation in Falun Dafa for over 20 years. Besides benefiting from the practice myself, people around me have witnessed the goodness of Dafa. I would like to share how I follow Dafa’s principles at work and take care of my customers the best I can.

My job is a housekeeper, and no matter who the customer is, I do my best to make them happy.

Ms. Li likes to keep her home clean. Her apartment is about 150 square meters (about 1,615 square feet). She would take off her bedding when I go to her apartment, and I would put the clean bedding on her bed and help clean the dirty sheets. If there is any clean laundry that needs folding, I would take care of it.

I would also wash the dishes and put them away. Ms. Li likes her floor without a streak, so I would mop to meet her expectations. Loose change and jewelry were often scattered all over the place, and I would gather them together and make it easier for her to find everything easily.

I continued to clean her place after she moved to another apartment. She gave me the code to the front door so that I can get inside when she’s not there. Over the years, she has recommended me to her relatives and friends, and she told them that I’m reliable and trustworthy, as I’m a Dafa practitioner.

Mr. Chen and his wife are an elderly couple in their 70s. The wife is a clean, neat, and clever person. When I first started working for her, she would follow me around. To check my work, she would run her fingers over the surfaces that I had just wiped. We had agreed that I would not need to clean shelves and cabinets that are high up. But occasionally, she would still ask me to wipe down areas out of reach. I did not mind and would dust the areas as she wanted. I would take care to mop every corner of the floor. The wife is quite satisfied with my work.

After a while, the wife felt comfortable enough to chat with me. Mr. Chen had a stroke and he would sometimes get angry and scold her. I would explain that relationships among people are based on the principles of loss and gain. Every time she told me about her troubles, she would say: “My heart feels much lighter speaking to you.” She saw the goodness of Dafa from me.

Ding’s apartment is dirty and messy. I would give her place a thorough cleaning every time. Her clothes would be folded, and the bathroom would be scrubbed clean. She would give me a generous allowance for eating lunch outside, and afterward, I would give her back the change. She was quite touched, and told her relatives and friends: “Those who practice Falun Dafa are different. She does not take advantage of others and works hard for a reasonable price.” Ding’s husband is the chief at a police station, and I never met him. I asked Ding to tell him not to persecute Dafa practitioners, as doing a bad deed like that is not good for him.

Before the CCP’s annual meeting in 2022, police officers came to my home to harass my family. Ding contacted the head of the police station in my neighborhood. She asked him to leave me alone as I’m a good person, and that I work for her.

Ding is doing well, and her restaurant business has prospered. Her husband changed jobs and was no longer involved in the persecution of Dafa practitioners.

By following the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance at work, those around me get to see the goodness of Falun Dafa. As people’s morals are going downhill in human society, only Falun Dafa can save them and bring people back up to a higher moral standing.