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[Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] Master Extended My Life Once Again

May 9, 2024 |   By Tianlian, a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) Greetings Master! Greetings fellow practitioners!

I live in Shandong Province, and I’m 75 years old. I’ve practiced Falun Dafa for more than 20 years. Recalling our path of cultivation, we practitioners are protected by Master and made it to this day under Dafa’s guidance.

I was sick before I began practicing Falun Dafa. No part of my body was healthy, but the worst thing was that I had kidney disease: My lower abdomen was swollen. I had difficulty urinating, and I had neurosis. My hands and feet were cold, and especially my head was numb. I couldn’t control it. I just wanted to hit my head against the wall, and even more serious was my heart disease. Sometimes I had angina pectoris. I often woke up in pain. I felt like I was about to die. I tried Western medicine, Chinese medicine, and acupuncture. The drugs interfered with each other, causing a series of chemical allergic reactions.

I began practicing Falun Dafa in June 1997. As soon as I picked up the book, Zhuan Falun, it felt like the bed I sat on shook. I immediately realized: This is a treasure of a book and a heavenly law! I must practice this Dafa.

After I began practicing, Master offered me numerous tests, repeatedly purified my body and mind, and helped me overcome illness and life and death situations.

A Life and Death Tribulation Exposes My Attachments

One day, a few years after I began practicing, the nephritis that was already cured seemed to return. This time the situation was very serious, and turned into a “kidney poison flow.”

That was how my mother died. My symptoms were exactly the same as hers.

By 5 p.m. the symptoms intensified. I knew in my heart that I was paying off karma. My lower abdomen was swollen, and I could not sit down or stand up. I trembled in pain. I couldn’t get dressed, because the pain was unbearable when something touched my stomach.

I quickly looked inward: What is my loophole that the old forces took advantage of? The first thing I saw was jealousy and resentment: My husband has a violent temper and often scolds me and beats me. For the two days before I got sick, my heart was full of hatred for him.

Moreover, I had jealousy. A practitioner comes to my house to collect truth clarifying materials and distributes them to fellow practitioners. She proudly told me, “I passed out Dafa materials, including CD-ROMs, wall calendars, desk calendars, and pamphlets in several counties and cities. My eldest daughter said, Mom, you are so good, your team is getting bigger and bigger.”

When I heard this, my heart felt unbalanced. I thought, “Your materials? You are illiterate, and you don’t know anything. How many CDs did you make? How many pamphlets did you make? You came to me, brought the Dafa materials to your home, and gave them to other practitioners! We, the heroes behind the scenes, sometimes don’t have time to drink or eat... At my busiest I make 7,000 CDs in a week.”

So many bad thoughts came out, but I didn’t reject them.

I also couldn’t take criticism, or forbear others’ negative opinions. My vanity was very heavy, I was nosy and gossipy.

This inward search scared me a lot. Was I treating myself as a cultivator? No! No wonder the old forces took advantage of my loopholes!

So, I said, “Master, I understand the reason for this illness. First, I have too many attachments. Second, I have not been diligent in studying the Fa. Instead I regarded the amount of materials I produced as cultivation. I have deviated from Dafa!”

I understood that Master already endured a lot of the karma that I created in my various lifetimes, and I have to endure some of it.

I continued to look inward. I said to those beings who I hurt: I owe countless debts to many people in my lifetimes. In this lifetime, I had abortions. I killed small animals and destroyed trees. I did not cherish their lives! I apologized to them, and I called out over and over again, “Master, please save me!” I repeatedly said the formula for sending righteous thoughts and denied the old forces’ arrangements.

The pain did not stop and I felt this was a life and death test. Master gave me a hint to study the Fa: I heard a voice clearly say: “The Fa can break all attachments; the Fa can destroy all evil; the Fa can shatter all lies; and the Fa can strengthen righteous thoughts.” (“Drive Out Interference,” The Essentials of Diligent Progress II)

I immediately got up, and in severe pain, I picked up Zhuan Falun.

I read a few words at first. When the pain was unbearable, I took a break. I slowly read a few lines. Then, I could read one page. As the number of pages increased, the pain lessened, but I still couldn’t lie down, stand, sit, or walk. I didn’t dare go to bed for fear of losing consciousness. If I lost my physical body that would have a negative impact on Dafa.

I devoted all my energy to reading the Fa.

I felt that my primordial spirit was very weak. My life was in danger! But I exerted the extraordinary perseverance that Dafa gave me, and I continued to study the Fa.

The pain continued. My stomach was swollen, and the bulge looked as if it was about to burst! When the pain became intense, I took a break, then continued. I thought, “If I die today, I will have Master’s Dafa. I will die without regrets!”

From 5 p.m. that day to 5 a.m. the next morning, when I was on the verge of death and my life was in danger, the difficulty of reading the Fa was indescribable. When my hands hurt and I couldn’t hold Zhuan Falun, I put the book on the edge of the table. Finally, I finished the entire book! By this time, the sun was rising.

Compassionate Master Saves Me

Master mercifully pulled my mind back to the Fa again! I felt weak, but I thought: I can’t die, I must do the three things.”

When I thought of saving people, I seemed to feel a sudden turn in the deepest part of my being. I thought: “I’m so tired, I’m so sleepy!” I couldn’t hold up anymore. So, I lay on the bed and fell asleep.

When I woke up, it was 9 a.m. I subconsciously touched my abdomen: It was flat, I didn’t feel any pain at all. I had completely recovered.

I personally experienced Dafa’s compassion, and extraordinary power.

I read Zhuan Falun overnight. If I didn’t maintain righteous thoughts, or if I had even the slightest bit of doubt in the Fa, that day would definitely be the last day of my life.

Compassionate Master, you have once again extended my life. I cannot express my gratitude to Master in any language!

I had an material production site in my home. The next morning, a fellow practitioner came to get Dafa materials and woke me up. When I looked at the clock, it was past nine o’clock. As usual, I had a package of materials ready for her, but she couldn’t know the fierceness of my battle between good and evil that night. Everything seemed normal. Because we were all busy, I didn’t tell her about the life-and-death battle that took place that night.

Just by reading the entire book of Zhuan Falun, the “kidney poison flow” that could not be cured in the hospital was miraculously wiped out overnight! Falun Dafa is truly miraculous.

(Selected submission to celebrate World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)