(Minghui.org) Practitioners from France and Germany introduced Falun Dafa at the Joan of Arc Festival in Reims, France, on May 25, 2024. The festival was held on Place du Cardinal Luçon, which is next to Notre-Dame Cathedral of Reims. Crowds of people learned about Falun Dafa and watched the practitioners’ performances. Some learned the exercises during the event.

People watch the Falun Dafa exercise demonstration.

Practitioners play the waist drums.

People enjoy the waist-drum dance.

People learn about Falun Dafa.

Véronique Marin said she is fascinated by the peaceful energy of Falun Dafa.

Ms. Véronique Marin, an educator, said that she felt the peaceful energy while passing Falun Dafa practitioners’ activity, and she appreciated the relaxing atmosphere because of the tense situation in the world. “I could feel an inner resonance, something touching about Falun Dafa... China has great responsibility in current world affairs. I strongly believe that we need practitioners to expose what’s going on.”

Véronique said she was interested in learning the Falun Dafa exercises and planned to find out where the nearest practice site is.

Locals and tourists in Reims learn about Falun Dafa and sign a petition calling for an end to the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution.

Jassira and Karim support practitioners’ efforts to end the persecution.

Jassira and Karim from Reims were happy to meet Falun Dafa practitioners and sign the petition to end the persecution. Jassira said that China has a rich culture and that we should learn from it. Karim complimented the practitioners for their great work and expressed his support.

Practitioners demonstrate the five exercises.

People learning the exercises

Valérie Mascia learns the exercises.

Valérie Mascia, a violinist, followed practitioners to learn the exercise movements. She said she thought it was a great practice and did not want to leave. She supported practitioners’ effort to stop the CCP’s atrocities. “No words can convey my feeling about condemning the persecution,” she said.

Fouvet Steven, a retired business manager, said, “I’m against communist systems and any form of persecution. I don’t know much about Falun Dafa, but the practice looks great. I’ll read the flyers.”