(Minghui.org) I received a call from my sister that her husband had a heart attack and was hospitalized. His condition was serious.

I asked my sister to encourage him to say the auspicious phrases “Falun Dafa is good; Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good.” My sister understands the facts about Dafa and she said she would immediately ask him to recite them.

I rushed to the hospital. My brother-in-law was soaked in perspiration. The doctor told us his condition was extremely dangerous and we should prepare for the worst.

I continued to encourage my brother-in-law to recite the phrases. His condition improved quickly, and he was soon discharged. Even the doctor was amazed by his recovery. My brother-in-law told me that he knew it was Master who saved his life and he always felt comfortable while reciting the phrases.

I later learned from a coworker that her husband also had a heart attack and the situation was very similar to my brother-in-law’s. Before the doctor had a chance to resuscitate him, he passed away.

My brother-in-law later had another episode and the doctor recommended he undergo surgery and have a stent implanted. He kept reciting the phrases. The day the surgery was scheduled, the doctor examined him again, found he improved and no longer needed surgery. He was discharged the next day. He thanked Master for again saving his life.