(Minghui.org) Yang, a 70-year-old man in my village, had a stroke last November. Although he was discharged from the hospital, his condition was still worrisome. I went to visit him, and his wife burst into tears while telling me about his situation. He was bedridden; his head, hands and feet were swollen; and he could not speak clearly.

I comforted Yang and urged him to recite the auspicious phrases “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” In fact, he knew the truth about Falun Dafa and its health benefits and was supportive of the practice. He would give rides to practitioners to pick up printed materials at another practitioner’s home. One time when I was distributing Dafa materials at a community fair and someone caught me, Yang stood up for me and kept me from being arrested.

A few days after my visit, Yang’s wife asked me if I had audio recordings of Master Li's Falun Dafa lectures. I brought over the lectures and a tape recorder.

When I visited Yang again, he was sitting in a wheelchair. His complexion had improved and he looked much more energized. I was happy for him. He told me that he spent his time either listening to the lectures or reciting the auspicious phrases. He was sincere about asking for Master’s help.

I visited him a third time not long after. I was surprised to see him sitting at the table eating dinner. He had lost some weight, but his complexion had returned to how it was before the stroke. I was amazed by how fast he recovered. He knew that it was Master who saved him. All of his family also expressed their gratitude to Master.