(Minghui.org) I’m a 12-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner. I started reading Zhuan Falun with my mom when I was seven, but due to my attachment to having fun I rarely did the exercises or read the Fa. Compassionate Master still took care of me. Every time I had illness symptoms, Master helped me resolve them. I didn’t taken any medicine. I even stayed healthy throughout the COVID pandemic.

Our apartment was renovated during the summer when I was seven, and my mom let me play with our neighbor’s children. I watched television and played on a smartphone with them, and picked up some dirty words. I became rebellious and I wasn’t as well-behaved as before.

By the time I started school in the fall, I couldn’t even remember how to add 2 to 3. I was sleepy in the mornings and in the afternoons. I couldn’t get anything into my head. I felt tired and my hand hurt while I worked on my homework, but I felt energetic as soon as I started playing. My math test score was at the bottom of my class. My teacher criticized me, and I cried when I got home. My mom said that the only way to help me was to study the Fa. I agreed.

Improving by Reading the Teachings and Watching Shen Yun

Because I couldn’t read, I repeated one sentence at a time after my mom, but I was sleepy after reciting a couple of sentences. My mom happened to have a problem with her throat at the time. We couldn’t study much each time, but we finished reading Zhuan Falun after a couple of months. My mind became clear. Falun Dafa unlocked my wisdom. I could read almost all the words in the book. I did better at school. My handwriting looked neat. My teacher praised me for being a little calligrapher. I started serving as a teaching assistant in my class.

My mom showed me videos of Shen Yun performances every day since I was 10 months old. I mimicked the dance movements. Before I knew it, I learned how to tumble and spin. As I watched Shen Yun more and more, I fell in love with classical Chinese dance. When I was five, I danced with a little umbrella when a fellow practitioner visited us. She was moved to tears.

One day when I was nine, I heard there was a dance class in our town. I begged my mom to send me to the class. My mom was worried it might be too late, because the other kids started taking dance lessons when they were five. She agreed to let me try. To my mom’s surprise, I was able to keep up with the dances as soon as I started. My movements were so natural that the teacher thought I learned how to dance before!

I was able to do the splits after a little practice. However, my arms were too weak for me to do a handstand. I practiced a lot, but my arms weren’t strong enough to support my long body. My mom told me that I should do the Falun Standing Stance first, because it would strengthen me. I took her advice. After doing a a few minutes of each standing posture, I was able to do a handstand! I was so excited! Mom said that Master helped me!

About 10 days after I started the class, there was an examination for the level. My mom signed me up. My classmates were surprised, because they didn’t have much confidence going into the examination though they had taken classes for months. Our dance classes were over a few days later, so I had to practice on my own at home. Twenty days later, I took the exam and passed it with excellent scores, thanks to the Falun Dafa exercises I did. Falun Dafa is so powerful!

Negating Communist Party Elements

Although I haven’t sent forth righteous thoughts regularly, I do every time there is a flag raising ceremony at my school. One time, I loudly said the verse for sending forth righteous thoughts. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) flag stopped in the middle of the pole and couldn’t be pulled any higher. After a lot of hassle, they eventually pulled it up, but it looked terribly droopy.

Whenever we had a speech competition, my teacher asked me to do a recording on behalf of my class. The manuscripts my teacher gave me were usually about how children loved the CCP, but I didn’t use them. My mom prepared manuscripts for me about loving traditional Chinese culture. I followed the style of the Shen Yun hosts and made recordings. I won awards.

One day, the school authorities told us to copy the history of the CCP, and our copies would be inspected. I was afraid, so I copied one paragraph. Mom asked me, “Who is the highest in the universe?” “Master,” I replied! Mom asked, “Who is the highest in your school?” I said the principal. Mom said, “No, it’s you, because you are the only Falun Dafa disciple in your school.” My righteous thoughts arose. I tore up the paragraph that I copied.

I didn’t wear the red scarf of the Communist Young Pioneers the next day, but walked past the inspector with my head up. The inspector didn’t deduct any points from me.

The school principal came to inspect our classroom. Our teacher told us to open our notebooks to the pages about the CCP history. I opened a page. As the principal walked around, I was a little afraid, but I kept sending righteous thoughts. They eventually said everyone passed.

I haven’t done well on my truth clarification. I occasionally distribute flyers with my mom. Though I haven’t cultivated myself diligently, Master has taken good care of me and has even given me hints in my dreams. Thank you, Master, for your compassionate salvation!

I was shaken by Master’s article “Cultivation in Dafa Is Serious.” I realized that I shouldn’t be attached to having fun. I must cultivate myself diligently, do the three things well, and become a qualified Falun Dafa practitioner.

Thank you, compassionate Master!