(Minghui.org) My 82-year-old mother, who lives on her own, suddenly had the symptoms of a stroke one day. She laid in bed, unable to talk or move her right hand.

When I didn't hear from her that day, my brother and I rushed over to check on her. I agreed to take care of her for the first five days. I played the audio of Master’s lectures, and reminded her to have faith in Master and not acknowledge the persecution by the old forces. During the time she wasn’t listening to the Fa, I encouraged her to recite the phrases “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.”

Although she couldn’t talk, from her facial expression I knew she agreed with me and had been silently reciting the phrases in her heart.

The next day, she suddenly shouted out “Falun Dafa is good!” I was excited that she had regained her ability to speak so quickly. This further strengthened her faith.

We listened to the Fa every day and frequently sent forth righteous thoughts. Five days passed by quickly and I returned home. My brother and his wife took the next shift.

The first night after I returned home, I dreamed of my mother standing in the ditch striking a large snake on the head. I woke up and thought it might be a sign that my mother’s hand had recovered. When I visited my mother two days later, she was indeed able to again move her hand.

From my mother’s experience, I truly experienced that as long as we have strong faith in Master and the Fa, there is no test that we cannot pass.