(Minghui.org) I began practicing Falun Dafa in 1998. After I read Zhuan Falun for the first time, although I didn’t fully understand certain concepts and couldn’t grasp them deeply, I believed every word Master said. Every time I read the words, “Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance,” in the book, I would especially feel that something deep inside me was being touched, and it generated a strong resonance from within.

I felt that life should inherently be lived in this state; this was my essential character. I solemnly pressed my palms together in the heshi position to Master’s photo in the book and said, “Master, I will definitely practice cultivation toward completion! I believe that you will surely help me attain it.” This belief came from the innermost part of me, like the feeling of a wandering child who finally found his parents and a warm home.

During my many years of Dafa cultivation, I enlightened to certain understandings while maintaining righteous thoughts and righteous conduct, and, as a result, I have validated the power of Dafa multiple times. I would like to share two experiences that validate the Fa and demonstrate the greatness of Dafa. If there is anything incorrect, please kindly point it out.

1. Disintegrating a Major Tribulation with Righteous Thoughts

Due to sentimentality for my husband, I was arrested by the police in 2010. At that time, our home was a truth-clarification materials production site, where we also produced the book, Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. There were over 70 partially completed copies of the book, as well as other truth-clarification materials, Master’s photo, machines for book production and other equipment, which were all seized by the police.

The authorities considered production of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party a major issue. When they were ransacking our home, my practitioner husband firmly commanded the leading officer to leave Master’s portrait behind. His powerful righteous thoughts intimidated the evil, causing the police to return the photo to us. When I returned home from the detention center two days later, seeing Master’s photo strengthened my righteous thoughts even more.

However, when I was detained after the arrest, I feared being in the position of facing further persecution by the evil forces, causing Master to worry. I felt very sorry, and solemnly knelt on the ground, made the gesture of heshi, and, with all my strength, called out to Master: “Master! Although I have shortcomings, I absolutely do not acknowledge the arrangements of the old forces. Please empower my righteous thoughts. I will not go anywhere, I will disintegrate the evil right here, then go home!” I said this from the bottom of my heart, believing Master’s words:

““When one’s Buddha-nature emerges, it will shake the World of Ten Directions.” Whoever sees it will come to give a hand and help this person out unconditionally.” (Lecture One in Zhuan Falun)

I was locked in a cell, and a heavy sentence was about to be handed down. That night, I couldn’t fall asleep. With my eyes closed, I felt a strong energy surrounding me. Normally, I don’t display any special abilities, but when I sent righteous thoughts then, I could feel a golden light radiating from my forehead. I knew Master saw my righteous thoughts and with my firm determination to disintegrate the evil, Master was strengthening me!

The next day, feeling the big change in my environment overnight and being separated from my husband, I was deeply moved and cried. I asked Master to empower me to eliminate the attachment to sentimentality and then I felt a lot lighter in my heart.

A large amount of truth-clarification materials and equipment was taken away by the evil, and they wanted to give me a heavy sentence. At that moment, Master’s Fa appeared in my mind:

“No matter what big things are happening, pretend nothing is going on and just go about, as usual, doing what a Dafa disciple should do. This is the path you’re taking today, and this is the [legacy of] mighty virtue you are leaving.” (“Fa Teaching Given at the 2004 Washington, D.C. Fa Conference”)

I thought: So much equipment and material was taken from my home; I was arrested and detained, and a heavy sentence is about to be handed down. How could I “pretend nothing was going on?” But then I thought, since Master enlightened me, I would listen to what he said, break through the illusion, and take it as if nothing has happened. I would do what a Dafa cultivator should do, clarify the truth to people and advise them to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliates. In those two days, I helped about 16 people quit the CCP.

The inmates in the cell who understood the truth said that other practitioners who were detained there were very good and admirable, however, they felt sad that those practitioners were sentenced and imprisoned by the evil CCP. 

Hearing their words, I thought: In history, awakened beings like Buddha Shakyamuni and Jesus were persecuted for saving sentient beings. Today, Dafa comes to save sentient beings, and Master bestows upon us the treasure of sending righteous thoughts, disintegrating the evil, and offering people salvation. I asked myself: Do I believe in the power of sending righteous thoughts? Do I have the strength? I answered: Yes! I do! Even if my strength is not enough, I have Master’s help, and I must break through the old forces’ attempt to persecute a Dafa disciple.

I was determined to follow Master’s teachings. In the process of cultivating myself, I constantly strengthened my faith in Master and Dafa. I felt at ease in my heart, and I thought I would rest well that night and, the next morning, I would concentrate on disintegrating the evil. 

The next morning, I sent righteous thoughts with high intensity, and the power was very strong. After just over an hour, the doctor from the detention center hurriedly called my name, saying that my blood pressure seemed a bit high, and they must retake my blood pressure.

Actually, I didn’t feel any discomfort. Master opened my wisdom, so I communicated with the blood pressure monitor: “You raise the readings, and I’ll help you. In the future, you will become a sentient being in my world.” The blood pressure reading immediately skyrocketed to around 200 (mm HG). The doctor called the director of the detention center as if something major had happened, then he scolded me, saying that, without medication, my condition could lead to a stroke or death. 

Even though such a serious reprimand came out of the doctor’s mouth, I remained calm and unaffected because, as a cultivator, we don’t get sick. This is something I absolutely trust in, trusting both Master and the Fa

I was originally sitting on the ground, but I immediately stood up and clarified the truth to the officers, demanding my unconditional release. I solemnly told the director to pass on the message: “Whoever arrested me should be the one to release me.” These words, arising from righteous thoughts, were like resounding thunderbolts. As a result, it was the head of the National Security Division who came to get me out.

Afterwards, they took me to a hospital for an examination. I clarified the truth to the officers I encountered. At the hospital, I clarified the truth to everyone I met so they could see how the CCP had persecuted a Dafa disciple.

A doctor at the hospital examined me. Based on his clinical experience, he assessed from my complexion, demeanor, and reactions that I wasn’t sick. I said to him, “History will see the persecution of Falun Dafa as a great injustice. We are good people and have been persecuted for so many years, I cannot cooperate with you and allow you to continue to detain and persecute us.” The doctor understood the truth and helped me. He described my “condition” to the police as quite serious. After I spoke with the officers, they were moved to kindness and called the director of the detention center to report my “serious condition.”

A female officer listened to me with tears in her eyes, smiled, sat beside me, lowered her voice, and said, “If it weren’t for this special environment, we could have been friends. Remember, based on your current blood pressure, we dare not keep you detained. You will be allowed to go home.” She kindly advised me, “The medication for high blood pressure has been prescribed. When you go back home, take it first to lower your blood pressure, then continue with your exercises.”

That evening, the head of the National Security Division came in a fury to pick me up, asking me to sign a “guarantee pending trial” document, but I refused. I walked out of the detention center with dignity. What seemed like a meticulously-planned ordeal by the evil was dissolved by the power of Dafa.

2. Clarifying the Truth While Visiting My Husband

My husband was imprisoned when the persecution was severe. I often visited him, and the old forces knew I was also a cultivator. Every time I went, I made sure to generate benevolent thoughts, show compassion towards the sentient beings there, and send righteous thoughts to disintegrate the suppression perpetrated by the prison officers. I paid attention to my demeanor and dressed appropriately—radiating dignity with compassion and earning the respect of the officers. They would warmly greet me whenever they saw me.

Because I appeared youthful with a rosy complexion, they once expressed amazement at my age. I told them that looking young was natural because I practice Falun Dafa, which kept me healthy. Being unaware of the truth, however, they rebutted, “Those who practice Falun Dafa are supposed to be arrested.” Later, while I was waiting to visit my husband, someone at the prison reported me to the 610 Office.

An official from the 610 Office showed up wearing a garment emblazoned with multiple CCP symbols (which included the hammer, sickle, and five-pointed star) possibly for carrying out special tasks. I surmised he deliberately wore it to boost his courage, as he was accompanied by a tall security guard holding a large belt. 

I took the initiative to ask the security guard, “What are you going to do with that belt?” He hesitantly replied, “I don’t know.” With compassion in my heart, I cheerfully said to the intimidating 610 Office personnel, “You’ve come into contact with so many Dafa practitioners, and yet you still don’t know the truth? Remember, Falun Dafa is good!” Their intention was to intimidate me, but they saw that I wasn’t frightened, so I continued to clarify the truth to them. Suddenly, they fell silent, indicating that the evil factors manipulating them had been eradicated.

When the female officers saw me chatting cheerfully with the 610 Office personnel, they thought we were acquainted. I didn’t hold any resentment towards the officers and treated them with compassion. One of them said, “You’re a good person, but practicing Falun Dafa is not good.” 

I replied, “Dafa teaches people the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance and in today’s morally corrupt society, these three words can restore our moral conscience. The CCP’s suppression of Falun Dafa is wrong.

“I was also imprisoned by the CCP before for practicing Dafa. After so many years of oppression, I still need to come here to visit my imprisoned husband. Thanks to the power of Falun Dafa I’m able to maintain a strong inner strength amidst the suffering. Please remember, ‘Falun Dafa is good.’”

The guards in the wards that specialize in persecuting Dafa disciples were deeply poisoned. I intentionally used my conversations with my husband to disintegrate the evil elements behind the guards. I also showed the optimistic demeanor of a cultivator, which helps eliminate the factors that poison sentient beings and spread rumors to defame the image of Dafa disciples. One officer said to my husband, “Look how good your wife’s attitude is!”

I persistently sent righteous thoughts at the prison, feeling that Master endowed me with supernatural ability to disintegrate the evil and save sentient beings there. 

Through trials and tribulations, Dafa gradually shaped me into someone who lives for others. On my cultivation path, I still need to be courageous and diligent, removing any complacency and other attachments. After reading Master’s new scripture “Cultivation In Dafa Is Serious,” I know I need to take cultivation even more seriously and strive forward diligently.

I bow in gratitude for Master’s compassionate salvation!