(Minghui.org) I started practicing Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong) in 1996, and Master Li has compassionately guided me through my 28 years of cultivation. Falun Dafa has purified my body and mind and changed my destiny. I am extremely grateful, and my only wish is to follow Master on the path to divinity and save more people.

The Party Secretary Who Never Gave In

I went to the Party secretary at my workplace to tell him about the beauty of Falun Dafa. For the first time in my life, I reviewed my mistakes of creating karma out of ignorance and confusion because I did not understand the great law of the universe. The Party secretary was so moved by my words that she said in the school meeting that I had done well in my cultivation, and asked everyone to learn from me.

The situation suddenly changed in 1999, when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) launched the persecution. Many practitioners were arrested, had their homes ransacked, and were imprisoned. Under pressure from higher-ups, the leader at my workplace was compelled to talk to me. She did not mention Falun Gong, but only said, “The situation is so tense now. You need to put away your things [the Dafa books]. If you can’t, give them to us. We will keep them for you.”

I thanked her for her kindness, and responded, “I know what to do. My Master said that we cultivators should be kind to others and consider others first. If something happens to me, your position as well as the bonuses of the whole school will be in jeopardy. It will hurt everyone’s interests.” She did not say anything else.

The Party secretary repeated what I said at the school meeting and praised me. People laughed and wondered whether she was criticizing or promoting Falun Gong.

When I told the secretary that the security guard had forced me to hand in my Dafa books, she called and cautioned him, saying, “Do you understand? This is a movement. You see, they [the CCP] have not corrected all the unjust, false, and wrong cases in previous movements yet. Here we go again. Do you think the people that tortured and harmed others will have a good end?” Being a submissive person, the security guard came and told me that those who tortured and harmed others will not have a good end.

When the 610 Office tried to force me to pay 6,000 yuan, and my employer to pay 10,000 yuan as deposits to ensure that I would not go to Beijing, the secretary flatly refused. She told me angrily that these people just wanted money. They said that if I didn’t go to Beijing, they would return the money, but the secretary questioned me, “How could that be possible? Do you believe them? Will they spit out what they have eaten?! No! Just don’t pay!”

The secretary also told the staff at the police station about me, saying “She almost died back then. She survived solely by doing the Falun Gong exercises.”

The 610 Office repeatedly harassed me, summoned me to the Domestic Security Division from time to time, and came to my home to threaten me. They forced me to be fingerprinted, subpoenaed me, and called me in the middle of the night to see if I was at home. They disrupted the lives of my entire family.

A community member once came to see me, but because he didn’t know me or where I lived, the guard took him to the secretary’s office. The secretary asked him why he was looking for me. The person told her that he was there to monitor me. The secretary asked why he wanted to monitor me, as I belonged to their unit, and told him to leave. The person left, disappointed.

When we distributed the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Partyand asked people to quit the CCP, the secretary happily did so after listening to practitioners tell her the facts about Dafa. She received many blessings. She and I have become good friends. She chose righteousness and kindness in this battle between good and evil. I am truly happy for her.

A Life’s Choice

Many of my work colleagues worried that I could be accosted at the beginning of the persecution. Some whispered into my ear, “Be careful! Someone is watching you.” The person who came to notify me to go to the Domestic Security Division was so frightened that her whole face was flushed.

Some people encouraged me, and one person said, “Just practice on your own as long as you feel good. The CCP has always lied and deceived people. It propagated that the people of Taiwan lived desperate lives, but I later found out that they were many times better off than us.” Some people even invited me to their homes to demonstrate the exercises to them.

When the persecution was most severe, a former teacher of mine called and said to me, “My dear, if you can trust me, bring your stuff to my house as soon as possible. I promise I will not lose a thing.” I asked him if he was afraid, as the environment was so tense. He replied, “I’m so old. I have nothing to lose.”

This teacher had been persecuted by the CCP for 20 to 30 years, and his reputation was restored in the mid-1980s. He was well aware of the cruelty of the CCP’s persecution. He wanted to protect me and was not concerned for his own safety. Up to today I am still touched by his heartfelt words and courage. Later, when I was released from the detention center, he said, “Thankfully, you had already returned home when I learned about your arrest, otherwise I would have lost sleep with worry.”

Some colleagues were upset when they saw on a document that the work units and the practitioners were ordered to pay a deposit. They said, “We need to keep this [document]. This will be solid evidence of their persecution!”

A principal at work has always followed the steps of the central government. He repeatedly emphasized during the June 4th massacre on Tiananmen Square in 1989, that “the teachers and students of the school should follow the central government,” and must not make mistakes and stand on the wrong side in the political turmoil. But on the issue of Falun Gong, he disagreed with the central government. He believed that the persecution against me was totally unreasonable.

I asked him, “During the June 4 movement, you were afraid that people would make political mistakes, and cautioned everyone against falling on the wrong side. Now let’s think about it. Was it correct to characterize the students’ actions against the government as rebellious or even counterrevolutionary?” He fell silent. Perhaps he realized how irrational it was to align with the CCP. He has not participated in the persecution of Falun Gong. He could subsequently think about problems with his own mind.

The classmates, a couple, in charge of the class reunion had known the truth about Dafa for a long time. They came to my house and asked to quit the CCP, and they saw an Udumbara flower. They organized their former classmates to listen to our clarifying and spreading of the truth.

Everyone was playing cards at the class reunion. Many of them were not from my class and I didn’t know them. I walked up to them and gave everyone a truth-clarification booklet. They stopped playing and began to read it. One timid man was scared, his face turned pale, and he was trembling. The classmate in charge went to him and said, “Don’t be afraid. She has recovered from her illness. She gives the booklet to you because she hopes you all stay well and don’t get sick.”

Another classmate was also frightened when he saw the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party booklet that I gave him. He called the classmate in charge and asked why I was invited and allowed to bring Falun Gong books. The classmate in charge said calmly, “Don’t worry! You can read it if you want to. Nothing will change by just reading a book.” The classmate put aside his worries, finished reading the Nine Commentaries,and quit the CCP. He no longer rejected the truth about Dafa from then on, and became a good friend of mine.

I later bumped into him on the road and asked him where he was going. He said there was some activity at the CCP branch. Then he remembered, “I have quit the CCP. Why do I need to attend the activity? I won’t.” So he turned around and went home.

I wrote a greeting card to the classmate who had been in charge of the party, on his 70th birthday, and wished him well. It said, “The heart is full of Dafa and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and the person is long-lived and filled with good fortune.”

The Inspector Let It Pass After a Short Pause

My son has been supporting and protecting me since I began to cultivate. Here are two touching stories.

My son attended a well-known university in the north for graduate study before the persecution began. From my recovery from despair and the drastic changes in my body and mind, he saw the miraculous power and beauty of Dafa. He wanted to learn what Dafa actually was about, so he took a set of Dafa books with him to the school.

By the time he graduated, the persecution had begun and was very severe. My son asked me, “Mother, should I bring these books back or throw them away?” I told him to bring them back, as banned books from past dynasties are all priceless. Without saying a word, he put all the Dafa books in the box with all the other books he wanted to bring home.

To mail the books home, they had to go through inspection at the post office. At inspection, the second book that the inspector picked up was Zhuan Falun, which had no book cover. The inspector held the book in his hand, paused for a moment, and silently put it back in the box and completed the inspection.

Just like that, a box of Dafa books was sent home intact. The inspector’s kind actions were indeed touching and admirable. He chose to treat Dafa well. He would definitely receive Dafa’s protection, and attain peace and happiness.

My son went to another province on a business trip. At airport security, the inspector found a Dafa amulet on him. I had given amulets to everyone in our family, including their classmates and friends, to wear whenever they went out. The inspector thought it was something serious and reported it to the supervisor. But the supervisor said it was nothing and did not bother my son. Although my son was a little disturbed, his firm belief in Dafa and his support for me never wavered.

There are still many precious Chinese people waiting for us to awaken and save them. I will follow Master’s words, be more diligent, live up to Master’s high expectations, and fulfill my vows. We must seize these last days to save more people.