(Minghui.org) A family asked me to care for an 82-year-old man in early 2023. His daughter had moved him to live with her and hired me as his caregiver because she trusted Falun Dafa practitioners. I realized that Master had sent a predestined person to me.

The elderly man suffered from several chronic conditions, including high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and high cholesterol. He also experienced severe urinary incontinence that required him to wear a diaper at all times. His urine had an unpleasant odor. He frequently coughed and wheezed in pain due to a recent COVID-19 infection.

Although my primary responsibility was to take good care of him, I believed it was essential for him to understand the truth about Falun Dafa and be saved. Initially, when I tried to share information with him about the persecution of Dafa, he didn’t want to listen. As a staunch member of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), he had been deeply influenced by its propaganda.

I didn't push him to accept the facts, but neither did I give up and stop talking about it. I knew that Dafa would eventually save him. Whenever possible, I patiently engaged him with stories, news, and truth-clarifying videos that subtly highlighted the beauty of Dafa. At the same time, I often sent righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil elements behind him. Regardless of how he reacted, I remained calm and steadfast.

I carefully prepared his meals according to his preferences, and his health quickly began to improve. He looked more radiant, and the pungent odor disappeared. His mindset gradually changed, and he no longer rejected the truth materials I gave him to read. He eventually withdrew from the CCP. He became happier, and his children were very satisfied with my care of their father.

He fell and hit his head on the sofa one day, which left his arms and legs immobile. However, his mind remained clear, and he was not seriously hurt. He later told me that the auspicious phrase I had taught him, “Falun Dafa is good,” had helped. His head had been in excruciating pain, but the pain lessened shortly after he recited the phrase. I was thrilled that he remembered Dafa during his trouble and that Master had taken care of him.

The next morning, I played a recording of one of Master's lectures. He listened attentively for more than four hours. Later, he suddenly vomited twice but said he felt much better afterward. I explained that Master was cleansing his body, and he agreed that it was so. He also recalled seeing a ghost after his fall, but a voice told the ghost to leave, saying that the house was full of good people, thus the ghost disappeared.

However, that afternoon, he fell into a coma and was taken to the hospital. The doctor said that he had a stroke, indicating that significant brain cell necrosis had occurred. He suggested that the man might become a vegetable. I told his children what had happened after his fall, and we all hoped for a miracle. Miraculously, he woke up the next day with a clear mind and movable limbs. Everyone was amazed by the extraordinary power of Dafa and was grateful for Master's compassionate salvation.

The old man was discharged from the hospital twelve days later. He dressed himself and walked out independently. Shortly after returning home, he fully recovered without any after-effects from the stroke—a true miracle for an 82-year-old man.