(Minghui.org) It’s recently confirmed by Minghui.org that a Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, resident was admitted to prison before April 2024 to serve an unknown term for her faith in Falun Gong, a spiritual discipline that has been persecuted by the Chinese communist regime since 1999.

Ms. Fu Jinfeng

Ms. Fu Jinfeng, a 62-year-old former nurse, was arrested by officers of the Jiaoqiao Police Station on September 24, 2023, after being reported for talking to people about Falun Gong. The authorities kept her family in the dark of her case status. Her loved ones have no idea of when she was sentenced to what prison term. They only knew that she appealed her prison sentence, but the appeals court ruled against her at an unknown date and ordered her to be admitted to the Jiangxi Province Women’s Prison a month later. Other details about her indictment, trial, and sentencing aren’t clear.

According to Mei (alias), a Falun Gong practitioner who was held in a local brainwashing center in early April 2024, Liu Zhibin, the former deputy head of Nanchang City 610 Office who now works for the brainwashing center, showed them a videoclip of Ms. Fu being tortured in the prison, in an attempt to force the practitioners to renounce Falun Gong.

In the video, Ms. Fu recounted how she was force-fed feces and urine, hung up by her wrists, and deprived of sleep. She was emaciated, her hair turned gray, and her legs became severely swollen.

Based on the timing of Mei’s account, Ms. Fu must have already been transferred from the Nanchang City First Detention Center to the Jiangxi Province Women’s Prison by April 2024. This is the eleventh time that she has been arrested for practicing Falun Gong. Her latest prison sentence was preceded by two prior labor camp terms and two prison terms. Her employer, the Nanchang City Blood Station, fired her in 2016, one year before she was due to retire. She was stripped of her pension despite her 30-plus years of service. Her husband divorced her in October 2001 for fear of being implicated. Her brother was forced out of his job around 2003 for not collaborating with the authorities to persuade her to give up her belief. Her mother died in 2016 after living in fear and distress for years. Her father, in his 90s, passed away shortly after an episode of harassment in 2021.

Past Persecution

Ms. Fu went to Beijing on November 4, 1999 and June 23, 2000 to appeal for Falun Gong. She was arrested both times and tortured at the Nanchang City Third Detention Center.

Ms. Fu’s third arrest was in September 2000 for distributing Falun Gong materials. She was transferred to the Nanchang City Second Detention Center in December 2000 and later given 1.5 years of forced labor. The labor camp guards hung her up by her wrists. As she still refused to renounce her faith, they extended her term for three months.

When Luo Gan, the former head of Central 610 Office, went to Nanchang for a visit in September 2003, the local police held a “scientific fitness class,” which was a brainwashing session in disguise. Ms. Fu, who was on the police’s blacklist, was arrested and carried to the brainwashing center. Although she managed to escape shortly after, her workplace suspended her salary for a few months due to the pressure from above.

Ms. Fu was arrested the fifth time at work in September 2004 by officers of the Yuzhang Police Station. After over a month of detention, she was taken to the Jiangxi Province Women’s Forced Labor Camp to serve a 2.5-year term. As she refused to renounce Falun Gong, the guards held her in a solitary confinement cell with no windows for a few days. She wasn’t allowed to take showers even when the temperature was over 104°F.

While Ms. Fu was working on December 28, 2012, her manager ordered seven employees to hold her and forced her to fingerprint a statement to renounce Falun Gong they had prepared.

Ms. Fu’s sixth arrest was on June 1, 2013, after she was reported for talking to people about Falun Gong. She was arrested again on November 25, 2014 and held in a brainwashing center until December 4 that year.

Ms. Fu was seized the eighth time by the police at home on March 24, 2015. The police claimed that she was reported for talking to people on a bus about Falun Gong. The Nanchang Economic and Technological Development Zone Court sentenced her to three years. At the Jiangxi Province Women’s Prison, the guards once hung her up by her wrists for six days. She was also subjected to other brutal torture.

Her ninth arrest was on March 7, 2019 for talking to Wan Cong, an agent of the Qingshanhu District Justice Bureau. She was held at the Nanchang City Lockup for 15 days.

Ms. Fu was arrested the tenth time on October 17, 2021 and later sentenced to 16 months in prison. Her appeal was rejected by the Nanchang City Intermediate Court. She served time at the Nanchang City First Detention Center and was released on February 16, 2023, only to be arrested the eleventh time seven months later and sentenced to prison for the third time.

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