(Minghui.org) A very close friend of mine practices Falun Dafa, and I witnessed how she changed from being a frail woman, into a healthy and energetic person. But I never thought about practicing Falun Dafa myself until my husband suddenly passed away in September 2019. With the wish to improve my health, so that I wouldn’t become a burden to my son, I entered the door of Dafa cultivation.

Dafa’s teachings opened up an entirely different world for me, and started me on a path of truth. All my life, I followed in the footsteps of others and attended school, married, had a child, retired, and then helped to care for my grandchild. I never thought carefully about the purpose of life. Dafa’s teachings helped me to understand that we live to return to our original, true selves, and the existence of life and the universe is much more complicated than what meets the eye. My Buddha nature was awakened. I wanted to practice cultivation in Dafa.

Catching Up in Cultivation Practice

Having obtained the Fa so late in my life, I knew I must catch up. Except for doing household chores, I spent all of my spare time reading the Falun Dafa books and doing the exercises.

For 50 years, since age eight, I had to take medicine to control high blood pressure problems. In addition, I also had a heart condition, weakened immune system, frozen shoulder, and lumbar disc herniation. I was also sensitive to sunlight and wind. When going outside, I had to cover my head, except for my eyes. My eyelids were constantly swollen and I often had rashes on my face. I had big dark circles around my eyes. My complexion was sallow with large dark spots here and there.

Only one and a half months after practicing Falun Dafa, I experienced a dramatic improvement in my health. My blood cell counts returned to the normal range. I only slept for two or three hours a day, but I didn’t feel tired at all. The dark circles around my eyes and dark spots on my face disappeared. My lips were now a rosy color, and I’m no longer sensitive to wind or sunlight!

Clarifying the Facts to My Family

As soon as my family discovered that I was practicing Dafa, they strongly opposed it. My father was the president of a hospital and my mother was a nurse. They didn’t believe in Dafa’s health benefits. My younger brother worked in the government, and he knew about the brutal persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners. My son and daughter-in-law didn’t support me either. In my family, I had always played an obedient role. Now I decided to go against the Chinese Communist Party and practice Dafa, so it’s natural that my family would worry about me. When they came to me one after another, urging me to stop practicing Dafa, it really put a lot of pressure on me.

I tried to clarify the facts about Falun Dafa to them. If I felt I couldn’t explain certain things clearly, I found some videos to share with them. Gradually, they changed their minds, especially after seeing the health improvements in me. My mother also commented on how smooth my skin now looked.

When my sister contracted the COVID-19 virus during the pandemic, I urged her to recite the auspicious phrases “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good.” She took my advice and fell asleep on the sofa while reciting the phrases. After she woke up, she was completely recovered! She also felt the rotation of Falun in her lower abdomen. But because of objections from her husband, she didn’t start practicing Dafa.

My parents also began to read Zhuan Falun, the main text of Dafa. My father used to have a nerve disorder that affected one of his legs and he needed support while using the restroom. I urged him to recite the auspicious phrases, and now he can walk more than a mile on his own. Meanwhile, my mother’s sleep also improved.

My niece began practicing Dafa as well. She stopped being dominant at home, and fighting back when she had conflicts with her husband. After seeing her changes, her sister-in-law also took up Dafa cultivation.

Although my family no longer opposes my practicing Dafa, they still fear that I might be arrested for raising awareness about the persecution. I especially worried about who would take care of my elderly parents if I was arrested. But through Fa study, I understand it’s Dafa practitioners’ responsibilities to clarify the facts to the world’s people. It’s something I must break through in my cultivation.

Master taught us:

“No matter where each life comes from, at this critical moment in history, all sentient beings are choosing their own future. What Dafa disciples need to do is to deliver to people the hope of salvation and lead lives that can be saved onto the path of return.” (“To the Dafa Disciples Attending the Fa Conference in Taiwan”)

After decades of communist rule in China, people’s morality has drastically declined. The mighty virtue of Dafa has the power to purify a person and enable the sacred lotus flower to blossom in our hearts once again.

(Selected submission in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)