(Minghui.org) Dong Mei is nearly 70 years old and began practicing Falun Dafa in 1997. Because her family was very poor she had little education and was nearly illiterate. Master purified her body—all her illnesses disappeared and her wisdom opened. She was able to read Falun Dafa books and articles on the Minghui website soon after she began practicing. 

Walking Out of the Detention Center

When Dong Mei learned the local coordinator had hundreds of truth clarification pamphlets, she offered to help distribute them. They decided to hand them out near a large factory when the workers came out for lunch. 

The factory security reported them to the police. They distributed all the pamphlets and were about to leave when the police arrived and arrested them. 

Dong Mei was taken to a detention center but kept sending forth righteous thoughts to disintegrate the evil elements in other dimensions. She used the opportunity to clarify the truth to the guards and inmates and help them withdraw from the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) and its affiliated organizations. When the inmates went outside to relax, they shouted “Falun Dafa is good” and “Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance is good.” 

This caused a stir in the small city, and the local authorities intensified the persecution. The heads of the Political and Legal Commission and the 610 Office came to the detention center. 

Dong Mei told them how she benefited from practicing Falun Dafa and the facts about Falun Dafa and why the CCP persecutes it. She and the other practitioner were released ten days later. 

Detention Center Refuses to Accept Her

She was arrested by local police when she distributed truth-clarification materials during the Lantern Festival in 2013. She clarified the truth to the director and vice-director of the Domestic Security Division and the police and showed them the Falun Dafa exercises. 

The police asked her who wrote the couplets. She said she did. The police didn’t believe her and said, “That’s impossible. The words are well written.” She laughed and said, “Then maybe deities wrote them.” The police pressured her to tell them who gave her the couplets. She smiled and said, “They came from Heaven.” The police laughed and stopped asking. 

She clarified the truth to the director of the Domestic Security Division and he learned about Falun Dafa. Because he was pressured by his supervisors, he planned to put her in administrative detention. She didn’t cooperate during the physical examination and they were not able to get a sample of her blood. 

When she was sent to a higher-level city detention center, they refused to take her because they didn’t have her blood sample and were worried she might be pregnant. The police who brought her explained, “She looks young, but she’s almost 60 years old.” The detention center still refused to take her. They argued back and forth. The police left.

A staff member asked her, “They left. Why are you still here?” She knew Master protected her and she went home. 

Domestic Security Division Director Learns the Truth

The director and vice director of the Domestic Security Division met with Dong Mei twice and were impressed. She gave them Falun Dafa desk calendars before the Chinese New Year. They accepted them and drove her to the bus stop. 

One day when Dong Mei was printing truth-clarification materials the Domestic Security Division director and five policemen broke into her yard. She was unable to hide the equipment. 

She asked Master to help her. She greeted them with a smile. The director asked her what she was doing. She said, “I was planning to go to the city to see you. I’m making some gifts for you, but you came here unexpectedly. The gifts are priceless. I prepared one copy for each of you.” She was not frightened and kept working on the pamphlets as she talked. 

The director said, “You are very capable. At your age, you can use a computer and printer. We’ll accept the gifts you prepared for us.” 

When she later saw the director, he said, “If I didn’t protect you that day, you would have been in big trouble.” She said, “Thank you. You’ll be blessed!” He always treated Falun Dafa practitioners well. 

Walking Out of the Brainwashing Center

Dong Mei and the coordinator were on the CCP’s black list after they were detained for distributing the pamphlets. The Political and Legal Commission, the 610 Office and the police department set up a brainwashing class for them. They also invited “experts” from the provincial city to transform them.

Dong Mei sent righteous thoughts to disintegrate the evil elements in other dimensions. She told the police the facts about the persecution. The police arrested her husband and son in order to pressure her. She was not moved. 

They also brought in her brother who was a township-level government official and told him to help transform his sister. Dong Mei told him, “Falun Dafa gave me a second life. I practice Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, which is not wrong. If I follow your instruction, I’ll be going against my conscience. That will destroy me as well as you.”

Her brother keep nodding his head and agreed with what she said. He didn’t say anything else. It might be that the prosecutors didn’t have any other means to use, or they might have been moved by her determination. The brainwashing center was dissolved. They dispatched a driver to drive her home. 

They respected Dong Mei very much. The “expert” from the provincial city said, “Dong Mei, you are marvelous. You taught me a lesson. I’ve begun questioning whether what I do is legal, and I’m thinking about doing something else. If I ever visit your area, I will definitely come to see you.”

Walking Out of the Brainwashing Center for the Second Time

The CCP’s “zero out” campaign was carried out in our town in 2021. The Political and Legal Commissions at different levels, the Domestic Security Division, local police, the village and county government and the village commission and the 610 Office coordinated and harassed Falun Dafa practitioners. 

The zero out campaign was coordinated by the CCP secretary at the township level, who led people at the county and village levels to repeatedly harass Dong Mei. 

They knew that Dong Mei was determined to practice Falun Dafa and that it was pointless to threaten her, so they assorted to “soft” methods. They flattered her and begged her to understand their difficulties. They asked her to cooperate and sign the statements. They promised that they would no longer harass her as long as she signed the statements this time. Dong Mei firmly refused and used the opportunity to clarify the truth to them. 

When their “soft” methods didn’t work, they hired strong men from the neighboring villages and kidnapped Dong Mei. She was sent to the city's brainwashing center. 

Two practitioners were already in the brainwashing center before Dong Mei was sent there. The male practitioner was in his seventies and looked like a retired officer. His method of protesting the persecution was to remain silent. The persecutors became very angry. He ignored them and the persecutors couldn’t do anything to him. 

In contrast, Dong Mei smiled at everyone. She told the persecutors how she benefited from practicing and how Falun Dafa spread worldwide; how the CCP framed Falun Dafa, the CCP-staged Tiananmen self-immolation incident, and why practitioners went to Beijing to peacefully appeal for the right to practice Falun Dafa.

One day they arranged for a woman to talk to Dong Mei. She didn’t allow Dong Mei to say anything. She shouted at Dong Mei and bad-mouthed Falun Dafa. Dong Mei sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil factors behind her. The woman said, “You will see how I will punish you tomorrow.” Dong Mei sent out one thought: You would not come tomorrow. That woman didn’t come the next day. 

One of the directors of the brainwashing center came to talk to Dong Mei. He previously learned the facts about Falun Dafa. He was kind and didn’t repeat the CCP’s lies, instead he wanted to learn more about Falun Dafa. When Dong Mei told him many examples of how good people were persecuted during the CCP’s many political campaigns, he said, “I believe you. Practitioners have been wronged and I feel bad for you.”

The next day he came with a blood pressure monitor and asked to take her blood pressure. She refused. He took his own blood pressure first and then tried to measure Dong Mei’s blood pressure. She didn’t refuse this time. Unexpectedly her blood pressure measured over 200. He asked someone else to take her blood pressure, and it was over 200. 

He asked a doctor from the city hospital to come and take Dong Mei’s blood pressure. It was over 230. The doctor said, “Even our hospital would refuse to accept her. How can you risk keeping her in your detention center?” Dong Mei didn’t have any high blood pressure symptoms and she understood that Master was helping her. 

The director called an ambulance to drive Dong Mei home. 

That director and other personnel came to see her later. They saw she was in a good state and felt relieved. They no longer talked about transforming her.