(Minghui.org) Five Falun Dafa practitioners from Surat, Mumbai, and Bangalore went to Veer Narmad South Gujrat University (VNSG) in the city of Surat on June 8, 2024, to introduce the practice to approximately 100 staff members.

A semi-urban university, the VNSG boasts students from the districts of Surat, Navasari, Valsad, Narmada, Dangs, Bharuch, and Tapi, as well as the Union Territory of Daman and Dadra and Nagar Haveli. Over 3,000 students study on its campus.

Rameshdan C. Ghadvi, the university’s registrar, invited practitioners to hold a presentation and exercise tutorial session at the university. Attendees from the university’s staff were receptive to the practice, with many wanting to continue the exercises after the session.

Practitioners introduce Falun Dafa at VNSG university, Surat.

Learning About the Practice and the Persecution

The session began with a one-hour presentation where the practitioners gave an overview of the exercise benefits. They also talked about its worldwide spread and recognition, followed by some information on the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution of the practice.

A practitioner explained how the CCP uses lies, deceit, and violence to maintain control, but Falun Dafa espouses the values of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. Because the values of Falun Dafa ran counter to its thinking, the CCP began to crack down on the practice.

Practitioners introduce Falun Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance at VNSG university, Surat, Gujrat.

Learning the Exercises

After the presentation portion, the practitioners demonstrated shortened versions of the five sets of exercises on stage. Attendees followed along for the second and third exercises.

Staff members at VNSG university learn the second Falun Dafa exercise.

All the attendees listened carefully and did the exercise moments. When the gentle sounds of the exercise music resounded around the lecture hall, the attendees applauded.

Support from the Organizer and Attendees

Rameshdan, the head registrar at the university, participated in the workshop and found the exercises “wonderful.” He wished the practitioners success in raising awareness of the practice among more people. The practitioners gifted him a set of Falun Dafa books for the university library. He immediately began browsing through the books after receiving them.

Mr. Rameshdan C. Ghadvi (center), head registrar at VNSG University, reads Zhuan Falun.

All attendees were given informational flyers and lotus flowers at the end of the session so that they could remember their experience. One of the staff members who attended the workshop said he would like to introduce Falun Dafa to his community and gather people who would like to learn the meditation. Some other attendees took the contact information of local practitioners to connect with them and organize future introductory sessions.