(Minghui.org) Lushi Chunqiu, an ancient Chinese philosophical anthology, includes a story of Tu Shu, the royal historian of Jin during the Warring State Period (475 – 221 B.C.). Noticing the chaotic situation in his own country, Tu left and went to the kingdom of Zhou.

Duke Wei of Zhou accepted Tu and once asked him which of the Warring State kingdoms would end first. Tu said it would be his native country, Jin.

“I saw many personnel decisions in the royal court that were not in line with morality and justice, leading to public anger. I pointed it out to the King of Jin and he replied, ‘This will not harm our country,’” Tu explained. “I also told the king that many talented people were ignored, and he replied, ‘This will not harm our country.’ That is why Jin would end first.”

Three years later, Jin indeed fell as expected. When Duke Wei asked Tu which kingdom would be next to fall, Tu said it would be Zhongshan. “Heaven has created men and women, and as heaven has ordained it, men and women each have their own ways and spaces that should not be casually mixed. Observing the differences between the sexes is a core tenet that heaven set out for humanity, and this heavenly way is also what ensures stability between a king and his subjects. But in Zhongshan today, men and women are in each other’s embraces day and night. They live hedonistically and sing songs of sorrow. And yet their king believes this to be normal and does not worry, despite this being the harbinger of a nation’s end. That’s why the kingdom of Zhongshan will be the next to fall.”

Two years later, Zhongshan also fell.

Looking at today’s communist China, the totalitarian regime cares only about its power and ignores the livelihood of its citizens; it suppresses faith and the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance while promoting violence, hatred, and sex—things that will harm society in the end. Only by rejecting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) can we save ourselves and society.