(Minghui.org) Ms. Xie Limin, a 41-year-old resident of Shulan City, Jilin Province, was seized at home during a mass arrest of local Falun Gong practitioners on June 5, 2024. It was previously reported that at least 35 practitioners were arrested that day, but the list has since grown to nearly 50, and Minghui.org is still collecting details about the arrests.

Ms. Xie lives with her parents, to help care for her bedridden mother. According to an insider, the police monitored her daily activities for over a month before arresting her at around 9 a.m. on June 5. Her home was ransacked. The arresting officers included Zhang, the deputy head of Nancheng Police Station, and his subordinates.

After being detained overnight at the Nancheng Police Station, Ms. Xie was transferred to the Jilin City Detention Center. As her parents aren’t allowed to visit her, and have not been given any updates about her case, they are very worried about her.

This isn’t the first time that Ms. Xie has been targeted for her faith, which she credits for improving her health in her teenage years. When the Chinese Communist Party began to persecute Falun Gong in 1999, she was only 16 years old.

The police broke into Ms. Xie’s home one night in 2005 and attempted to arrest her mother, who wasn’t home at that time. The police raided the place, looking for Falun Gong books. To avoid further persecution, Ms. Xie and her mother were forced to live away from home. They had to move from place to place, as most of their relatives and friends didn’t dare shelter them for long, for fear of being implicated.

The mother and daughter found temporary housing at a friend’s home in Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia in 2008, which is about 300 miles from Shulan, but were soon arrested by the police in Tongliao and briefly detained. Ms. Xie was arrested one more time shortly after, for visiting a relative. She held three hunger strikes and wasn’t released until three months later.

Related Report:

Shulan City, Jilin Province: More than 35 Arrested in One Day for Their Faith in Falun Gong, at Least 12 Still in Detention