(Minghui.org) A few days ago, a practitioner came to see me. She appeared to be in a hurry to advise me that the police were organizing a large-scale raid. She told me not to go out in the coming days and to study the Fa and send righteous thoughts more at home. She also told me to hide my Dafa materials. The next morning, she came again to plan to pick up my Dafa materials later in the evening. She anxiously said she needed to notify other practitioners she could reach. I offered to notify Wen and Ying, two practitioners I knew.

I went to Wen’s home, but she was not there. I eventually found her at the market clarifying the truth with other practitioners. When I told her what I knew, she said with a serious look on her face, “We are here to save sentient beings, including the police. They are not worthy of persecuting us. It is an illusion.” We had spoken frankly in the past, but this was the first time I’d ever seen her so serious. I wondered if I might have interfered with her clarifying the truth or if I should not have told her what I did. But I did not have time to think it over as I needed to hurry so I could notify Ying. I had Ying’s new computer with me, and it hadn’t yet had the operating system installed.

When I got to Ying’s home with her computer, she was about to go out. I told her about the large-scale raid. She did not look as serious as Wen, but what she said shocked me even more: “Master told us, ‘Just by staying unaffected you will be able to handle all situations.’” (Teachings at the Midwestern U.S. Conference) She said that we should not have such human notions, which could be taken advantage of by the old forces, that Dafa disciples only follow Master's requirements, and the evil is not worthy of harassing and persecuting us. Whether it is the police or government officials, they were all Master’s relatives and are to be saved. We should not allow the old forces to use such means to destroy sentient beings. She said, “If you have fear, you can give the computer back to me, and I can return it to you later.” I replied, “No, I will take it and get the operating system installed before I return it to you.”

Later, I reflected on what had just happened. Wen and Ying’s first reaction to this matter was to completely deny it. They had righteous thoughts and believed that Dafa disciples should follow Master and that the evil was not worthy of persecuting us. I, however, discounted my righteous thoughts on this matter, because in the past, I was persecuted and suffered a huge loss. Because of that, I harbored this unrighteous thought: “The authorities found many Dafa materials in my home, so I won’t be able to escape this time.” I had acknowledged the old forces’ persecution, as I did not have a clear understanding of the Fa. Also, I did not eliminate it with righteous thoughts afterward.

After I was released, a practitioner told me that he heard two months before I was arrested that community officials had planned to put me and another practitioner under surveillance. He did not tell me about it, because he thought that it would acknowledge the evil’s persecution if he spoke about it. Another time, a practitioner with the material production site told me that when I took her to buy printer ink, two people came over to ask the saleswoman what I bought the ink for as soon after I left the counter. I asked her why she didn’t tell me about it then. She said she did not know those people’s intention and did not pay any attention to them. Although I did not complain about those two practitioners not warning me, my heart was not calm for quite a while. When I recalled those past incidents, I found my attachments of fear, selfishness, looking outward, and resentment. I also had acknowledged that the Dafa materials in my home were evidence for the evil to persecute me, which was also an attachment. These so-called “sensitive materials” are exactly a magic weapon for us cultivators to help Master rectify the Fa and save sentient beings. They are sacred and inviolable.

Master said,

“When each person joined the ranks of Fa-rectification Dafa disciples, their knowing side made a vow to, and signed a pledge with, the Divine, and they swore by their very soul that they would fulfill the historic mission that a Dafa disciple should shoulder, so they have since been outside the authority of the Three Realms. And therefore I, your master, removed the names of all Dafa disciples from the ledgers of the Three Realms, of the Human Realm, of the Netherworld, and even of Hell. The lives of Dafa disciples have ever since been in Dafa’s hands only, and freed from reincarnation; even those with sins are no longer bound for Hell.” (“Dafa Spiritual Practice Is Serious”)

We are Dafa disciples during the Fa-rectification period. We only follow Master and Dafa and do well what we should do. The evil will not dare to interfere with us nor can they interfere with us if we follow Master and the Fa.

The fundamental reason why I was affected by this incident is that I did not study the Fa well with a focused mind, I did not have a clear understanding of the Fa, and I did not have righteous thoughts. When it happened, I treated it with human notions without even realizing it. I was ashamed of my thoughts and actions and felt unworthy of Master’s compassion. The practitioner who told me the news also felt bad for making a mistake that wasted an entire day of saving sentient beings. After seeing her upset, I realized that this was also not what Master wanted. Master wants us to get rid of our fundamental attachments by cultivating and to advance diligently. If Master used Wen and Ying’s words to wake us up, we should not continue to blame ourselves and feel low. Instead, we should get up and walk with determination on the righteous path going forward.

Wen and Ying came to see me separately to discuss this matter with me based on the Fa. I am grateful to them for their responsible attitude towards Dafa and other practitioners. I am even more grateful to Master for his arrangement that not only prevented the interference from spreading but also exposed my fundamental attachment via other practitioners’ words and awakened me. Master also helped us to transcend the convention of human notions and truly immerse ourselves in the Fa.

Thank you, Master, for your compassionate salvation! Thank you, fellow practitioners, for your selfless help! I must study the Fa well, send righteous thoughts more, save more sentient beings, and truly cultivate diligently to be worthy of Master’s compassion.