(Minghui.org) May 13 is World Falun Dafa Day and the birthday of Master Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Dafa. Minghui.org holds a “Call For Submissions to Commemorate World Falun Dafa Day” every year. Several Taiwanese practitioners shared their thoughts after reading the selected submissions published on Minghui—they were impressed, and many said the articles helped them find the gaps in their own cultivation.

Cherishing the Opportunity to Cultivate

Ms. Huang, the owner of a car repair shop, was sick and her marriage was in crisis before she began practicing Falun Dafa. After practicing for 20 years, she has not only been free of illness, but also has a happy family. After reading articles published on Minghui.org, she said the practitioners’ experiences motivated her to continue to improve. 

In “A Korean Physician’s Practice of Falun Dafa,” the author made breakthroughs in his medical skills after being enlightened by Master and he encountered many miracles that cannot be explained by modern medicine in the process of treating patients. 

Ms. Huang said, “How much can an ordinary person with flesh and blood be capable of? If the Korean physician hadn’t practiced Falun Dafa, he wouldn’t have such extraordinary abilities.” This made her believe more firmly in and cherish the opportunity to practice Falun Dafa.

In addition, the author never forgot the mission of Dafa disciples while practicing medicine. He used every opportunity to tell people about Falun Dafa and clarify the truth, so that patients could obtain the Fa. He also tried hard to recommend that an American businesswoman watch Shen Yun and a video that exposes the CCP’s forced organ harvesting from living people. Afterwards, this businesswoman decided not to invest in China. 

Ms. Huang was very moved, and it also inspired her to clarify the truth to people.

Realizing the Importance of Cultivation

Mr. Zheng, a retired factory manager of a large manufacturing plant, read Falun Dafa’s main book, Zhuan Falun more than a decade ago. The joy of improving his character after he began practicing made him cherish Falun Dafa very much.

He was moved by “The Cultivation Journey of a Former Bully.” In the article, the author was criticized because of his father during the Cultural Revolution, causing his character to become distorted and he became ruthless. After practicing Dafa he became a kind person. The author believes that fellow practitioners should help each other, and he took the initiative to help fellow practitioners through difficulties. 

Mr. Zheng commented that practitioners in China are in a severe cultivation environment, where they constantly face persecution and risk having their organs harvested. He admires practitioners in China, and, through the articles, found gaps in his own cultivation.

Believe in the Fa and Master

Ms. Chen, who works in a governmental public service department, started practicing Falun Dafa twenty years ago. She organized a Falun Gong club in her work unit that still functions now. Her character improved as she continued to practice. She learned to look within when encountering problems, and realized that conflicts were good things.

In “Practicing Falun Dafa Helps Me Overcome Tribulations in Life,” the author faced the death of her younger brother and her father, a divorce, and her mother being very sick. The author strongly believed in the Fa and Master. She not only accompanied her mother through the sickness tribulation, but also validated how extraordinary Dafa is.

Ms. Chen reminds herself to maintain righteous thoughts in difficult times and have faith in Master and the Fa. In “Helping My Father Overcome a Life and Death Tribulation,” when everyone thought that her father was dying, the author helped her father study, listen to, and read the Fa. Finally, she let the family see the entire process of his father’s return to life, helping them truly understand from the bottom of their hearts that Dafa is not just a training exercise, but is meant to save people.

Ms. Chen saw from this article that the author had no fear, was not driven by emotions, and had no human notions but only divine thoughts. She said this article reminded her that she is a cultivator, and that miracles will occur at critical moments if she can let go of human notions and think with divine thoughts.

After reading “Our Ability to Awaken People Expands as We Improve Our Character,” Ms. Chen was deeply touched and said that divine thoughts are the key to whether one can pass tests and more effectively accomplish the mission of a Dafa practitioner.

Only One Chance

Ms. Huang, who has practiced for nearly thirty years, is in her seventies but looks much younger than her peers. She attended Master’s Fa classes in China in the early 1990’s so she was particularly moved by the story recounted by a Chinese student of Master in the early days.

In “The Scenes I Saw with My Third Eye After Attending Master’s Lectures in Person,” the author asked Master if he could take a photo with him. Master said, “Sure, but there is only one chance!” After taking photos of Master and other students, the author realized he had forgotten to be in the shot.

He called out to Master who had already walked away: “Master! I haven’t taken a photo with you yet!” Master turned around and said, “There is only one chance. One should serve others first.”

Ms. Huang said that she deeply understood that practitioners must fulfill their responsibilities and should cherish the opportunity to cultivate. She is glad that she obtained the Fa, has direction in life and can deal with things calmly. She also hopes that more people can seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity because “there is only one chance.”