(Minghui.org) I live near the countryside. Local practitioners and I often went to community fairs in nearby villages to talk with people about Falun Dafa. Here I’d like to share a story of a senior teacher who was blessed after he quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

I often ran into a couple at a community fair. The husband was a senior teacher. In the beginning, I didn't know if I would be able to persuade an intellectual like him to quit the CCP, as teachers are the group most brainwashed by the Party. 

I encouraged myself to be fearless, as after all, it was for his benefit. I gathered my courage and approached him. To my pleasant surprise, he accepted everything I said and readily quit the CCP.

When I saw him a few days later, he told me the remarkable story of his house collapsing. He had the habit of drinking tea in the morning. But that day, while holding his teacup, he had a strong desire to leave the house. As soon as he took some steps outside, the house collapsed and a large piece of wood fell on the spot where he had been. More than 80 villagers rushed to rescue him and his wife. Fortunately, both of them only had minor injuries. 

He felt very fortunate to have escaped such danger and believed that it was a blessing for quitting the CCP. Upon hearing his story, his older son also asked me help him quit the CCP.

In addition to the senior teacher, an apple vendor and a shoe vendor also told me that their businesses improved after they quit the CCP. 

(Selected submission in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)