(Minghui.org) A Tianjin woman was recently sentenced to three years for her faith in Falun Dafa, a mind-body practice also known as Falun Gong that has been persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party since July 1999.

Ms. Song Yunling’s sentencing followed her arrest on May 13, 2022, the 23rd annual World Falun Dafa Day. She had ordered a cake the day before and requested that the bakery write “Celebrating May 13th World Falun Dafa Day” on the cake. Someone (not sure if it was a bakery worker or a fellow customer) reported her to the police. Several officers from the Dazhigu Police Station videotaped her when she returned the next day to pick up the cake. They then followed her home and arrested her.

The police took Ms. Song to the Hedong District Court and did not allow anyone to visit or call her. Her husband, mother-in-law, and brother-in-law all passed away one after another during her detention, yet the authorities denied their requests to see her for the last time, much less allow her to tend to her husband’s funeral. Her family doubts if the authorities even informed her of her loved ones’ deaths.

It is unclear when Ms. Song was indicted, tried, or sentenced. Her current detention location also remains to be investigated. The only confirmed information is that her prison term is set to end on May 12, 2025. Prior to her latest persecution, Ms. Song was arrested and had her home raided on March 2, 2015. Plainclothes officers were then stationed outside her home to monitor her family.