By Minghui correspondent Wang Ying in San Leandro

( Practitioners’ exercise demonstration and waist drum teams from the San Francisco Bay Area participated in the parade. They demonstrated the exercises and many spectators welcomed them. Multiple people said that watching the exercise demonstration made them feel peaceful, tranquil, and relaxed. The waist drum team’s performance inspired the audience, especially when they noticed that many team members were elderly. 

Practitioners were once again invited to participate in the San Leandro Cherry Festival parade on June 1, 2024.

City Council Members Welcome Practitioners

Xouhoa Bowen, a member of San Leandro City Council, said she was happy to see the practitioners’ team and said, “It’s great that the Falun Dafa practitioners’ team participated in the parade. We hope that more community teams will participate in the parade so that everyone can celebrate traditional culture together. This is important to the community.”

Xouhoa Bowen, a member of San Leandro City Council.

She said that she heard of Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong) and that Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance are beautiful principles. “If people practice according to these principles, I think it’s wonderful,” she said. 

City Council Member Bryan Azevedo also participated in the parade. He said he was happy to see the practitioners and groups from different cultures there, and it’s good that people from the community come together.

City Council Member Bryan Azevedo said the community needs the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. 

He said, “I have heard of Falun Gong. I think it is a great group. I have seen their performances before. The principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance are great. Our community needs these principles. We need to treat others with kindness. Tolerance is also important to our community.”

Organizers Commend the Practitioners

Cheryl Hurd, organizer of the parade, said that Falun Dafa practitioners performed very well. “It is amazing. It is great. It looks like they are well prepared and full of energy.”

Cheryl Hurd, organizer of the parade, commends practitioners.

“I think the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance are very good,” she said. “Everyone should follow these principles.”

Another organizer, Mckayla Carter, shared the same sentiment. She said, “The Falun Gong practitioners’ team is amazing. They bring peace and tranquility, which is very cool. I saw their performance here last year. It was wonderful.”

Mckayla Carter, an organizer of the event.

She said, “I think Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance are great principles for life, and I agree with them very much.” She also learned how to say them in Chinese.

She said that Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance are important to society and to individuals. If one becomes good, he can take good care of others. If one follows these principles he sets an example for others, and they will follow suit.

Audience: The Practitioners’ Team Makes People Feel Peaceful

Brandi Riley from Oakland, said she likes the Falun Dafa team very much, “They are touching and make me feel peaceful. They are so elegant, especially their costumes, which are very colorful and bright.”

Brandi Riley from Oakland, likes the practitioners’ team.

Leo Martinez, who works at a public utility company, said he likes the Falun Gong practitioners’ team. He said that each of them moved naturally and peacefully. He indicated that if they could do that, their hearts were also like that, very peaceful and harmonious, and they cared about others. Each of them was immersed in the performance, leaving behind their daily worries and distractions, and concentrating on the performance.

Leo Martinez praised the Falun Dafa team.

After learning about Falun Dafa’s principles, he said, “The world needs Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. When people follow these principles, they will live in peace and will no longer be angry, resentful, or hurt others.”

Another audience member, librarian Veronica Ruiz, said, “I think they (Falun Gong practitioners) are great. Watching them practice the exercises makes me feel relaxed because I was under a lot of pressure before. They look calm and happy.”