(Minghui.org) I work in a mine. The year 1996 was the happiest and luckiest in my life – I started practicing Falun Dafa. Falun Dafa is like a clear spring flowing into my heart. I was excited and joyful, because I found the meaning of life, and I was no longer confused.

I had encephalitis when I was young, and the treatments caused side effects. After I began practicing Falun Dafa, Master purified my body and I was illness-free. Thank you Master for your mercy and salvation!

I followed the principles of Dafa in everything I did. In 1999, after former Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader Jiang Zemin ordered the persecution of Dafa, I went to Beijing to speak up for Dafa and I was persecuted. 

The Persecution Begins

After the persecution began on July 20, 1999, numerous practitioners went to Beijing to petition to restore Master’s and Falun Dafa’s good name. I was one of them. A few days after I arrived in Beijing, I was arrested by the police. I had a toothache when I left home and my mouth and face were very swollen. A police captain asked me, “Will you go to Beijing again?” I said, “If the persecution does not end, I will go to Beijing.” He slapped me on the side of my toothache, and instantly I felt my face was no longer swollen and my teeth no longer hurt. I think Dafa is amazing. The police captain helped me remove a chunk of my karma when he abused me.

I was sent to my local liaison office in Beijing and I told the police officer the truth about the persecution of Dafa. I said, “I work underground and the well is damp. I had rheumatism and joint pain. I couldn’t be cured. After I studied Dafa, I no longer had rheumatism.” The police officer said, “Okay, you can practice at home, don’t go to Beijing!” I said, “It’s Jiang Zemin who doesn’t let people be good. I’m here to prove that Dafa is good.” The police officer didn’t say anything. In the end, I was sent back to the local police department, but the police extorted 1,000 yuan from me before letting me go home.

“My Body Will Still Be Meditating”

By October 1999, I could not tolerate the CCP’s false accusations against Falun Dafa, so I decided to go to Beijing to seek justice and prove that Falun Dafa is good and Master is innocent. But as soon as I arrived at Tiananmen Square, I was arrested.

The police took me back to my local area. I was held in a detention center for five months. My relatives kept visiting me and trying to persuade me to write a guarantee statement that I would not practice or go to Beijing. They said I would be able to go home if I wrote it. I refused. I just firmly believe in Master, I firmly believe in Dafa, and that there is nothing wrong with practicing Falun Dafa!

One day, the police took me to the director’s office, handcuffed me to a chair, and shocked me with an electric baton, trying to force me to give up my cultivation. I recited Master’s Fa in my heart: “In life, nothing sought, In death, regretting naught, Washing away all wrong thought, Buddhahood, with less adversity, is Wrought.” (“Nothing Kept,” Hong Yin) The director said to the policeman who beat me: “Stop beating him. We can’t take responsibility if he dies here. Send him back!” When I went back to my cell, I saw that my chest was covered in large blisters, but I didn’t feel any pain. I knew that Master protected me, and it was Master who endured all the pain for me. Thank You, Master!

One day, when I had been illegally detained for nearly five months, someone from the county political and legal affairs committee called the director of our local police department and said, “If Shanzi still insists on practicing Falun Dafa, I will send him to a forced labor camp.” The director said, “Let me talk to him.” 

At four o’clock in the afternoon, the chief and deputy directors of the public security department of our mine, and the people of the county political and legal affairs committee came to the detention center and told me, “Shanzi, you don’t need to say whether you will practice or not. If you want to practice, you can go home and practice. I am asking you if I let you go home now, will you still go to Beijing?” I said, “I have to go to Beijing to prove that Master is wronged and that Dafa is innocent.” The officer from the county political and legal affairs committee said, “You will be killed before you get there!” I said, “My body will still be meditating.” He said angrily to all the people present, “I can’t let him go today, if he really goes to Beijing, I will lose my job.”

A few days later, under Master’s protection, I returned home.

The Leader Said, “Yes, You Are All Good People.”

When I returned, I was dismissed from my job and placed on probation for two years. I still had to go to work every day, but I was only given three yuan for living expenses. A leader saw that I worked hard every day, and said, “Shanzi, you come to work every day, but you can’t get any salary, what does your family live on?” I said, “My wife’s parents take care of our family.” The leader said, “I’ll count you as a worker. You can find some other work to earn money to support your family.” I said, “Thank you, leader! But I can’t do that. We Dafa disciples are good people.” He said, “Yes, you are all good people.” 

At one point, the underground roadway was filled with sediment and needed to be cleared. This job was not easy and whoever did it would not make much money. Whoever the leader asked refused to go. The leader came to me and said, “Shanzi, you have to do this job.” I said, “Okay.” “Every day, after I finished my work, I cleaned up the silt. My coworker said, “You Falun Dafa people are so easygoing. If it were us, we wouldn’t do it.”

When the job was done, the leader said, “Thank you! It helped me a lot.” So he gave me a hundred yuan and said, “That money is for the motorcycle fuel.” I said, “I cannot take it. Any practitioner would do as you asked.” He said, “You take it. it’s not much.” When I went to work the next day, I said to the leader, “I donated the 100 yuan you gave me to Dafa. Although the money is not much, it is your sincerity and will earn some virtue for you.” He smiled happily when I said this.

A Good Person at Work and In the Neighborhood

People who have never worked underground don’t know what the environment is like. Everything is covered in ore dust, and the clouds of black dust are very dangerous. Anyone who works underground knows that every minute is dangerous. Sometimes people leave before the work is done. But I can’t leave, because I’m a Dafa disciple. I have to finish my work before I can leave. When holding a meeting with the workers, the leader said, “Look at the people practice Falun Dafa. I never have to worry about their work. It would be nice if you were all like those who practice Falun Dafa.”

My family has been living in our building for more than 10 years. Our neighbors know that Falun Dafa is good and that Dafa disciples are kind and trustworthy. Some neighbors went to other towns for more than a year, and they all left the keys at my house for me to take care of. I said, “Do you trust me?” The neighbor said, “Yes, we do, so we ask you to hold the key.”

For more than ten years, I cleaned snow on the walkways. A neighbor on the first floor said, “This snow removal should be the responsibility of our residents on the first floor. No one wants to clean it, but you clean it all these years.” I said, “We all live in this building. It is my responsibility.” The neighbor said, “How nice you are!” I said, “It’s because I practice Falun Dafa.” 

There Is Only One Thought in My Heart: Master Asked Us to Save You

The other practitioners and I went to my hometown and clarified the truth. There are three or four hundred households in the village. We went door-to-door to tell the truth about Dafa. Most people agreed to quit the CCP. Some of those who agreed said “thank you,” and some invited us for dinner. There were also those who kicked us away, and there were those who wanted to report us to the police, but we were unmoved. I only have one thought: Master asked us to save you.

At work, I used every opportunity to tell people the truth. 

Once, I saw a deputy director of our company. After I greeted him, I told him about Falun Dafa spreading all over the world. I said millions of Chinese already withdrew from the CCP in order to not be held accountable for its crimes. In the end, I said, “Why don’t I give you a nickname or a pseudonym and you can quit the CCP.” He immediately agreed.

After I got the book Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, I gave him a copy. I said, “Read it, and you will understand everything.” When he took it I told him to put it in his coat pocket so that no one could see it. He said, “No, I am not afraid!” Later, I showed him all the information about Dafa, and he said Falun Dafa is good. He was soon blessed and promoted to the rank of director.

Another time, I told a leader the truth and persuaded him to quit, but he would not quit no matter what I said. Later, he was transferred to my unit as a leader. I thought that Master was giving him another chance to be saved, so I invited him to quit again. He asked me, “Did the leader above me quit?” I said, “He already quit, using the pseudonym I gave him. He supports Dafa. You see how high ranking an official he is now, it’s a blessing from Dafa.” He said, “OK, please help me to quit too. Don’t let anyone know.” I said, “Okay, I’ll keep it a secret for you.” 

When he held a meeting for the workers the next day, he said, “Yesterday Shanzi helped me to quit the CCP. I am no longer a member of the Communist Party!” Everyone laughed.

Clarify the Truth Everywhere

My brother-in-law is the leader at our mine. The day his daughter got married, most of the people at the wedding were leaders. I thought that this is an opportunity for me to clarify the truth. Some people told my brother-in-law: “Shanzi is telling people to quit the Party!” My brother-in-law said, “Leave him alone, just let him talk about it if he wants to.” 

One of my coworkers was an underground rock driller. He believed that Dafa was good, and carried a Falun Dafa amulet in his pocket. Every time before he goes down the well, he says, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” One day he was working, a huge ore fell. Everyone present was frightened. If this stone fell on a person, he would be injured. But, as if it had eyes, the stone did not hit him. He said with emotion: “Master blessed me, or I would have died today!” I said, “You believe that Falun Dafa is good. Master protected you.” Since then, whenever he sees me, he shouts, “Falun Dafa is good!” 

People Want the Falun Dafa Calendar

Before every New Year, people remind me, “Don’t forget to give me a copy of the Falun Dafa desk calendar!” I put the desk calendars in a cardboard box, and then headed to work. Someone saw it and asked, “What is in your box?” I said, “It’s a truth-clarifying desk calendar.” He asked me to give him a copy. When other people saw it, they all gathered around.

One person said, “Whoever wants a desk calendar has to quit the CCP.” Someone raised his hand and shouted, “I already withdrew! Please give me one.” The person who helped me hold the desk calendar said, “No, you still have to shout ‘Falun Dafa is good.’” The person who asked for the desk calendar shouted, “Falun Dafa is good!” Very quickly, the two large boxes of desk calendars were snatched away. 

When a leader saw me he said, “A new boss from the company came to inspect the work in the mine and found that there were Falun Dafa calendars on the desks in the offices of various units, so he told the manager, ‘Tell them all to take them away!’ The mine manager didn’t say anything. I said, ‘What’s wrong with this?’ What’s so bad? Why can’t they have a desk calendar?’ I didn’t listen and left the calendar on my desk.” I was very touched when I heard this. I am glad that he understood the truth and chose a better future!


In the past 20 years of ups and downs, under the compassionate protection of Master, I have been steadily walking on the path of Fa-rectification cultivation. Every step I take is inseparable from the care of Master and the guidance of Dafa.

No words can express my gratitude to Master! Only by working hard to do three things well in the little time left can I live up to Master’s mercy and salvation!

Thank You, Master!

(Selected submission in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)