(Minghui.org) Practitioners in the San Francisco Bay Area held a free exercise class in Fremont in east bay on June 2, 2024. Over 20 people participated in the class. Several said they felt relaxed and refreshed after they did the exercises.

Learning the exercises

Passers-by learn about Falun Dafa.

Fremont Central Park in the East Bay of San Francisco is beautiful, and people like to walk along the Elizabeth Lake in the park. On that day, many people who were walking saw the free Falun Dafa exercise class and happily joined it and experienced the exercises in person.

Basu, a Silicon Valley startup company product manager, attended the class. He said he felt energy moving between his hands when he did the exercises. After learning the exercises, he said, “I feel refreshed, and my attention is more focused. The second set of exercises is simple, and I felt so relaxed after doing them."

Talking about why he wanted to learn Falun Dafa, Basu said, “We encounter many things in life, and learning the exercises can help me concentrate better on dealing with things. At the same time, I also want to find out what I am looking forward to, and I found that Falun Dafa is what I’ve been looking for in my life.”

Julie, who was born in the UK, was walking along the lake that day and noticed the free exercise class, so she joined in. She said that she had always wanted to practice Falun Gong, but didn’t know where practitioners were. “When I passed by and saw them teaching the exercises, I stopped and said to myself: This exercise is good.”

Julie likes the exercises.

Julie said she liked the exercises and would continue practicing them.

Sujit, a computer engineer from Silicon Valley, attended the class with his wife. He said that he usually takes a walk by the lake in the morning, but he arrived late that day and just caught up with the class. “I usually see them (Falun Gong practitioners) meditating and practicing in the pavilion. It’s great to meditate with everyone here today.”

After learning the exercises, he said, “I feel very good. I am relaxed, and I feel the energy. I feel more alert. It’s very good.”

A local resident learns the exercises.

Dylan, a Fremont resident, also attended the class. He said he felt great after learning the exercises. “I am happy to learn the exercises with others in the park. After learning the exercises, I feel relaxed. This practice can help me improve my health. Falun Gong’s principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance are very good values. I will remember these principles and live by them.”

Ivan from Taiwan went to the practice site early in the morning. He said, “I saw this free class on New Tang Dynasty TV. I feel very good after learning the exercises today. This practice is good, and I feel relaxed. Practicing the exercises is good for one’s health.” He said he was looking forward to participating in the nine-day class.

Carlos Palderrama and his wife Michelle were walking in the park when they noticed the Falun Gong class and decided to try something different. Afterwards, Michelle said, “This exercise is great. I feel very relaxed now. It’s a great exercise to improve the body and mind. Everyone should try it.”

Carlos Palderrama and his wife said they like the exercises.

Michelle said, “I like the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. People all over the world should practice Falun Gong. The world needs compassion and forbearance.”

Her husband was also happy after learning the exercises and said, “I feel great and my body is relaxed. This is new to me.

“Everyone should be kind,” he said. “This is the key to making the world a better place. Everyone should practice Falun Gong.”

Jeyshree Shah, who is retired, said that she saw an advertisement for a free Falun Gong exercise class at a restaurant, so she went to the park.

She said, “When I first came here, I was under a lot of pressure. After doing the exercises, I really feel good. I’m calm and relaxed. This is a really good way to meditate and exercise. After learning, I can practice at home by myself, which is good for my body and mind.

“The principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance are good,” she said. “We all need them.”