(Minghui.Org) Practitioner Ying, introduced me to practitioner Li about a month ago. Like me, Li is about 50 years old and also began practicing Falun Dafa before the events of July 20, 1999. However, around 2001, after being unlawfully taken to a labor camp for a year, Li was in a state of practicing Falun Dafa on-and-off, and even strayed from the teachings for a while by going on aimless travels. Last year, Li came into contact with someone in our area who was spreading false Dafa teachings. Li told me that after doing inventory for her business in October last year, she decided to truly cultivate in Dafa. Upon hearing her thoughts, I didn’t think twice and invited her to join our Fa study group.

In the first few days, we specifically discussed some of the misconceptions Li had about Dafa and Master Li Hongzhi. In addition, we studied one lecture from Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa, every afternoon for two weeks, and everything seemed normal, with the previous issues having resolved themselves. However, during the New Year time, she sought out the person spreading false teachings again (despite our warnings not to). A few days ago, after studying the Fa, Li started talking about deviated teachings again, sounding quite convinced. Thankfully, through group discussion in our Fa study, she realized she had been misled by incorrect and harmful ideas, and came back to her senses.

I’ve recently been noticing my legs slipping while doing the sitting meditation, feeling drowsy during doing the exercises and sending forth righteous thoughts, and becoming more sluggish in my actions than in the past. Mercifully, Master gave me some hints (like a leaking toilet and my father saying some unpleasant things), prompting me to look inward. Besides identifying attachments such as lust, competitiveness, jealousy, and influences of the Chinese Communist Party indoctrination it seems there is more, but I’m unsure what it is all about.

Recently during a conversation with a fellow practitioner, I suddenly realized that this was external interference. Dark minions and rotten ghosts were attempting to use the negative elements behind Li to disrupt our cultivation and our environment. I therefore shared my thoughts with the Fa study group. I said that we should not only assist Li, but also not fear or resent her. We should embrace and help Li with compassion. Initially, my mother (a practitioner) accused me of meddling, and warned me not to invite trouble or disturb our Fa study group. However, my understanding is that Master, in his recent scripture “Stay Far Away from Peril,” urged us disciples to save each other. We shouldn’t just look after ourselves; we are one body, meant to assist and save each other, and improve together!

After realizing this, I sent forth strong righteous thoughts to disintegrate the dark minions and rotten ghosts behind Li, and all elements not aligning with the Fa. Yesterday, I also spoke with her one on one, advising her to take the Fa as teacher and to focus on doing some things right, like studying the Fa more and writing a solemn declaration, which she accepted. During our exchange, we both deeply felt Master’s immense compassion, and we both broke out in tears.

Following my sharing, my mother also recognized her attachments, and our Fa study group returned to calmness. At that time, my meditation posture improved. My legs were no longer slipping. Of course, the state of meditation posture isn’t used to judge right from wrong, but I truly realized the profundity of cultivation. No matter what we encounter or who we meet, we should not fear or harbor negative thoughts. We should view issues with righteous thoughts. Everything is an illusion, a test for us, and providing opportunities to elevate our level in cultivation! If we truly comprehend and achieve this, Master will surely protect us! Thank you, Master!