(Minghui.org) I started practicing Falun Dafa in 1997 when I was in the fifth grade in elementary school. I stopped practicing after the persecution began in 1999. I was later imprisoned for 13 years because I was involved in a criminal case. After I was released from prison, I was lost in the secular world for another decade. But compassionate Master never gave up on me. My predestined relationship finally guided me back to Dafa in 2022.

There was a Falun Dafa practice site in our village in 1997, and a few classmates and I learned Falun Dafa there. I was motivated by what Master said in Zhuan Falun. I recall the sentence “If you succeed in cultivation, you will attain the Tao and there will not be the issue of your next life.” (Lecture Nine, Zhuan Falun) I went to group practice and Fa study every Sunday.

I slacked off in cultivation when I entered junior high school. I stopped practicing Falun Dafa after the persecution started in 1999.

I transferred to a school in the county seat to repeat my third year of junior high school because I failed the exams. Without my family watching over me, I began to smoke, was absent, and fought. In the end, I was imprisoned for 13 years after I got involved in a criminal case.

As soon as I entered the detention center, Master arranged for a practitioner to be in my cell. The practitioner told me the situation of Dafa inside and outside China and encouraged me to be a good person and to not give up practicing.

During the last two years of my prison term, I met the coordinator for the practice site in our village. He was imprisoned for 10 years for practicing Falun Dafa. He gave me Master’s new lectures and taught me how to send forth righteous thoughts. Master has always been taking care of me.

I was released after being imprisoned for 13 years. I was quite confused when I first reentered society and became immersed in everyday society. In 2012, I met an elderly practitioner who was clarifying the truth in Shandong Province. I quit the Young Pioneers. She gave me a copy of Zhuan Falun, the main text of Falun Dafa. But I was so lost in the everyday world that I didn’t read it.

Master still did not give up on me. He arranged for an everyday person to teach me how to circumvent the Great Firewall (the internet blockade) in 2022. When I first browsed the media outside China, I watched ordinary people’s videos. One day, I remembered the Minghui website. It opened easily and I saw the familiar Falun emblem, a photo of Master on the right, and many new lectures.

I was so excited! I felt I was back in Master’s arms. Later I downloaded the software developed by Dafa practitioners to circumvent the internet firewall.

Great and compassionate Master arranged many things for me, including giving me a new opportunity. On World Falun Dafa Day, I’d like to thank Master for his great compassion!


(Selected submission in celebration of World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)