(Minghui.org) I obtained Dafa in 1996. I read several Dafa books at that time, but due to various reasons, I didn’t immediately begin practicing cultivation. In 2003, with the help of my mother and younger brother, I finally started cultivating. Looking back on my cultivation journey, the Minghui website has played an immeasurable role in motivating me to be more diligent.

Minghui Is a Big Fa Study Group

My practitioner relatives live far away, and I don’t know any other practitioners. All these years I haven’t had a group study and sharing environment, and I’ve basically been cultivating alone.

When I began to truly practice cultivation in April 2003, I realized how precious the Fa is and studied it extensively. I was able to get onto the Minghui website by using software to circumvent the CCP’s (Chinese Communist Party) internet censorship. Encouraged by the articles on Minghui, I quickly stepped into cultivation in the Fa-rectification period.

I read many articles about other practitioners clarifying the truth and distributing information to assist Master in Fa rectification, and I was very encouraged. Even though I was a new practitioner, I realized that Dafa disciples must do the three things well. I got materials from my practitioner relatives and distributed them. At first, I often felt nervous before going out, but I was no longer afraid once I got going.

Minghui is just like a large Fa study group and a platform for cultivators to share their experiences. As long as I have access to the internet, I get on Minghui to read other practitioners’ articles every day. It’s just like listening to practitioners’ sharing in a local Fa study group, and it inspires me to be more diligent in cultivation.

In the first years of my cultivation, I wrote several short sharing articles and submitted them to Minghui; a few were published. I was not good at writing, so it was Master’s encouragement that made me realize that we should all write about our own experiences in cultivating and validating the Fa to share with other practitioners on Minghui.

Minghui Helped Me Get Through Illness Karma Tribulation

For a period of time I couldn’t get on the Minghui website. I tried every day and then eventually gave up. Because I was not reading Minghui, I could not see the process of Fa-rectification and I could not read other practitioners’ articles. I was just studying the Fa by myself, and I started to get lazy.

I was seduced by online novels and became addicted to them. I downloaded a large number of such novels to my phone to read. Every day, I would just do the exercises for about half an hour and study the Fa for half an hour, and then quickly pick up my phone and read novels.

In the summer of 2018, my back suddenly started to hurt a lot, and I had trouble getting up and sitting down. I realized one day there was something wrong with my cultivation, and on that day I did all five exercises twice, and the pain almost went away. I then completely gave up my attachment to reading those novels, and I deleted all of them from my phone. I studied the Fa a lot, did the five exercises every day, and I was able to get on Minghui. Reading the articles on Minghui really helped me to be diligent again.

One day toward the end of 2022, I felt a little pain in my lower body. The next day, it worsened but was still bearable. On the third day, it was even worse.

Over the next few days, the pain intensified. When I touched the area it didn’t hurt, even though it felt a little swollen. It hurt a lot when I sat down, and I could barely sit in the full lotus position when I meditated. I had to endure a lot of pain to pull my leg up. Fortunately, the pain would go away after a few minutes. I thought to myself, “This is so bad. When will it get better?”

On the ninth day, I listened to an article on Minghui Radio about a practitioner who went through an illness tribulation. Her condition was very serious, and she was lying on the floor at home alone. She was out of breath if she even moved. She was on the floor for several hours, but she just believed in Dafa and Master and eventually recovered. I burst into tears while listening to that and thought to myself, “She was so firm and determined even with such serious illness karma; yet I’m just suffering a little pain but don’t want to bear it. I’m so behind compared to her!”

After breakfast, I took the bus to distribute Dafa materials. It still hurt a lot on my way to the bus station, and I had to take small steps to walk because of the pain. As I sat on the bus, I felt a stream of heat in my lower body. I thought to myself, “That thing ruptured, and I should be good now.” After I got off the bus, the pain was indeed gone. When I got home, I saw that whatever it was really had ruptured and there was a puddle of messy pus on my clothes. I recovered just like that.

Minghui helped me overcome my illness karma. After listening to that Minghui article, I improved my xinxing, and the illusion of illness karma miraculously disappeared. From this experience, I realized that illness karma is a xinxing test.

Minghui Motivated Me to Memorize the Fa

Last year, my aunt and I decided to study the Fa together from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. every day. We read Zhuan Falun and Master’s other lectures. At first, I felt that the time passed very slowly and two hours felt like a very long time. I would get sleepy in the middle and would need to go get a drink or use the restroom once in a while. In comparison, my aunt could sit there and study the Fa for two hours. I really saw my shortcomings compared to her.

I felt that I should make a breakthrough. I remembered the articles on Minghui about memorizing the Fa, so I downloaded the audio album “Insisting on Memorizing the Fa” from Minghui radio, and I also read other articles on the topic.

It was mind blowing to hear the process and experiences of other practitioners memorizing the Fa. Some older practitioners could not memorize quickly, so they memorized sentence by sentence, and eventually they were able to memorize the entire book. My aunt and I decided to memorize Zhuan Falun, and after six months and 14 days, I finally finished memorizing it for the first time. I’m very thankful to Minghui for motivating me to memorize the Fa.

Getting Rid of My Resentment

I had varying degrees of resentment towards several family members. Although I knew from the Fa that this mentality was very bad, I was not able to get rid of it.

A few years ago, when I was not cultivating diligently, my resentment for my mother-in-law got out of hand. She often took my husband’s side whenever he and I had a disagreement. She would also want to get involved in matters between us. Not only that, she would take things from my home and give them to my sister-in-law without asking. I couldn’t call her out on it because she is my elder, so I just forced myself to stay silent. As a result, my resentment grew, and eventually I stopped talking to her altogether.

When I was able to get on Minghui again, I paid special attention to the articles about getting rid of resentment. I carefully read how other practitioners did it, and I also thought about Master’s teachings, looked inside myself, and worked hard to repress this mentality. I was able to take the initiative to approach my mother-in-law, care about her, and talk to her. Now my resentment for her is essentially gone.

After I let go of my resentment, I started to encourage my mother-in-law to practice Dafa. She is illiterate, so I bought her a smartphone and transferred the recordings of Master’s lectures for her to listen to.

Final Remarks

To eliminate the bad elements and bad factors that had been instilled in me by the CCP, I downloaded audios, such as the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, Disintegrate the CCP Culture, and Cultivation Stories. I would listen to the audios while doing housework, and they have played a great role in clearing up my attachments and human notions such as competitiveness, jealousy, and resentment.

Whenever I saw new audios on Minghui Weekly and Selected Collections of Fa-rectification Cultivation Sharing, I would download them and listen to them.

Although I don’t have a Fa study group where I can study the Fa and share with other practitioners, I do have Minghui. I know that it is Master’s compassionate arrangement for me to regularly access the Minghui website in order to help me in my cultivation. Thank you, Master!