(Minghui.org) Practitioners held a four-day event in Canberra beginning on June 3 to introduce Falun Dafa and tell people how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecutes the spiritual discipline.

When they saw the peaceful rally and many banners in front of Parliament House and along major roads in the city center, both residents and tourists stopped for more information. They also signed the petition that calls for an end to the 25-year-long persecution in China.

Practitioners held group exercises, a rally, and other events in Canberra to tell people about Falun Dafa and the persecution in China

Former Senator: Strong Evidence of the Persecution

Gary Humphries, a former Australian Senator, saw the event when he was on his way to Parliament House on June 5. “I was briefed by Falun Dafa representatives several times, and I believe they had a very persuasive case to make for their persecution in China, and I always indicated my support for them,” he said. “That continues even though I’m no longer a member of Parliament.”

Former Senator Gary Humphries

Humphries agreed with the practitioners’ request to the Australian government to initiate legislation to help end the persecution in China and to raise this issue during the Chinese premier’s visit. Specifically, that Australia needs to stay firm in those areas. Although business collaboration is important, the CCP’s persecution of Falun Dafa and other minority groups should not be ignored. “I suppose I wouldn’t like to dictate to the government, but I believe they should put that issue on the table—if they have the opportunity to do so,” he added.

Ever since the persecution started in China in 1999, practitioners in Australia have continued to focus attention on it and ask for help. Humphries said this was very important and that practitioners had done well. For example, practitioners from around the world collected very strong evidence of the suppression in China.

Humphries said that Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance were “extremely important values. We should all have those values in the forefront of our minds, and I commend Falun Dafa for making the effort to keep them uppermost in the minds of Australians,” he said.

Government Employees: Universal Values

Nathan, who works in Parliament House, said he was impressed with how practitioners have opposed the persecution with such dignity and perseverance. He noted that human rights should be protected all over the world, and it was important that practitioners raised these issues in Australia in a rational manner.

As an Australian, Nathan said he could not understand why the CCP would suppress innocent people. Falun Dafa does not pose a threat to anyone so it’s wrong for the CCP to mistreat them so badly. He said the persistent efforts by practitioners over the past 25 years are extraordinary. They have faced adversities and ruthless treatment by the CCP, yet remain firm in their belief.

He said the CCP officials themselves know these are problems but they just cover them up. “It’s good that you always raise that in a way that’s very easy to support. You’re not annoying anyone,” he said. “You’re just here and you’re just trying to raise awareness of something. I think it’s fantastic.”

Nathan noted that the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance are consistent with traditional values: “If you look through history at different cultures and societies, not just Chinese or Western, even ancient Roman or Greek or American, South American, those principles are universal.” He said these were common values shared by humankind and that practitioners were following them as well.

He thought it was unfortunate that Falun Dafa was being suppressed and the CCP was controlling people. “I think it’s a bit of shame system that is going on there. I don’t know whether it will keep going indefinitely,” Nathan said.

Patrick McCormack signed a petition to support practitioners.

Patrick McCormack, who works for the National Emergency Management Agency, saw practitioners’ event when he was heading to work on June 3. He signed a petition calling for an end to the brutalities in China.

McCormack said practitioners have the right to follow their belief and that he was well aware of the situation in China. He said, “The communists persecute anyone who does not agree with them, anyone they perceive to be a threat, even persons who are obviously not a threat. They lie constantly, as one would expect from communists. They kill people, and they murder people.”

Project Manager: Raising Awareness

Fuzail Ahmad and his wife signed the petition to support practitioners.

Fuzail Ahmad, an IT project manager from Sydney, was on vacation with his wife when they noticed practitioners’ rally in front of Parliament House on June 5. He was shocked to read about the forced organ harvesting.

“I read the [banners and brochure], and it was quite a terrible feeling. I wanted to know what’s happening,” he said. “I want to do something to raise awareness and stop this happening from now on. Thank you for the information you gave me and my wife today. Thank you.”

Ahmad said he was not aware of the persecution of Falun Dafa in China. Since it has been going on for 25 years, he said continued efforts are needed to raise awareness to more people.

Chinese American Peter Lam and his friend were drawn by practitioners’ peaceful exercises. They stopped to take video and asked questions. After hearing that Falun Dafa improves the mind and body with five exercises and the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, they were interested and asked for information about the Dafa website.

Lam said it was great to see the group doing the exercises—he thought they were wonderful. The principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance resonated with him and he said that freedom of belief is very important.